[BUG] Overload/Stabilize Generators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mianera, May 21, 2015.

  1. Mianera

    Apparently I am unable to do either.

    Whenever I approach a generator, the thingy pops up saying "Hold E to wabbajack" but no matter how hard I press that E key or spam it, I am never able to get the little loading clock and overload or stabilize a generator.

    Really annoying. Anyone else experiencing this? If so, is there any fix?
    • Up x 1
  2. JobiWan

    Yes, it's been discussed already. I get it with gennies and SCUs, last night about 7 of us in a squad couldn't do it, then some guy just strolled up and overloaded it. Seems to be random.
  3. Mianera

    Makes me wonder why it's always me :O Have the Amp stations cursed me???
  4. Stigma

    ballto suggested it MIGHT have to do with disabling missiosn ... unverified, but check it out I guess if you happen to have done that.

  5. Shiaari

    I bet he's right. The bug may be an unintended consequence of trying to make sure a nearby rookie player gets an opportunity to overload/stabilize.
  6. Mianera

    Really? I can't believe that, what about the rest of us, we have directives too...
  7. ArtyGun

    Very frustrated with this latest glitch. Spend 5 mins infiltrating to a generator and cannot interact to overload it!

  8. LagLight

    I've also had the same issue since the 20/05/15 patch.