[Suggestion] outside cameras for vehicles ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FollowerofNux, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. FollowerofNux

    having the 3rd person view in this game feels kind of like cheating,
    the atmosphere of the game is decreased by an unnecessary amount because
    somehow there is a camera outside of my vehicles always following me.
    nobody can shoot it but it gives only such a small view.
    now on the other hand it would be op to give a wider all around view, right ?
    so what about cameras at the back and the sides of a vehicle, and maybe at
    the bottom for aircrafts ? i think when the current situation is uncomfortable and the
    usual suggestion is too broken, something in between might be just right
    for the game.
    i mean...have you ever driven a car with no mirrors attached to it ? no ?
    thats because nobody does that anymore and after all,
    this many people can't possibly be wrong, right ? (pun intended).

    give your most constructive thoughts
  2. helloworldy

    It seems fine to me. Using third person you don't see lock-on warnings for example. Pretty important when flying. As for ground vehicles, I see no problem either. Magrider in third person is kinda rubbish anyway and you can't aim. Sunderer is...bleh, just better to drive this way. Doesn't seem to give any advantage.
  3. Anti-Skub

    I think the third person camera could do with being allowed the same range of movement as the first person camera has. So for Sunderers and Liberators for example, you should be pitch the camera a little up and down and around 60 degrees to each side but not backwards or down. The vehicles should have blind spots, but the static camera is cumbersome.
  4. Noesis

    Don't see why not.

    FYI, there are proximity warning tool for most vehicles should it be relevant.

    It did remind me of the remote controlled drone used by the alien infiltrators in Enemy Territory. And thought it would be cool to have something similar, even as a command tool for observation if not a scouting tool for infiltrators. Not convinced a remote exploding version would be accepted.

    Likewise akin to orbital satellite views, hover drone cameras could be launched from vehicle platforms into the sky above them as a tool to see an expanded aerial view of things, revealing the enemy for a short period of time on the min map for those not in buildings or in suitable cover.

    These remote cameras could be shot down of course.