Outmaneuver is too overpowered.

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Krotos, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. Krotos

    Hello friends, NC/TR armor main here! The "Outmaneuver" implant ABSOLUTELY CANNOT go out in it's current form. In it's current design, this implant is terribly unhealthy for armor play in it's entirety, despite how exciting it is to reload every 2 seconds on TR. It's straight up a pay-to-win implant for skilled tankers. New players already barely touch armor because of cert restrictions, this will be an easy nail-in-the-coffin and stagnation will ensue.

    ~~ Armor CAN NEVER receive a straight up DPS buff from implants, period~~

    How about we make this a movement speed/turn rate buff instead?
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  2. darkstarzx2

    Currently the new weapons are slightly overturned in comparison to AP. Adding this implant would only worsen that problem and would absolutely kill armor play.
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    even rally mechanic is arguably too good. if both of these go live they will become mandatory takes for any vehicle and give massive power advantage to fully certed characters

    i do like these fairly quick iterative changes on PTS, so hopefully devs will adjust these implants or remove them if the concept just cant play out in a healthy way
  4. EWanderer

    yes so much this. wanted to come here to say this. after trying it with the larion its just terrifiying.

    it will make ligthning duels a matter of who has this, if both charge one another.
    magriders will probably benefit this one the most as they have the mobility for it.

    frankly when an outfit member let us known about the implants from an API leak, I was thinking they were joking,

    haven't even gotten around testing air ground farming with it, but yeah. no please don't do this to us.
  5. Walking Shark

    I'd rather see it return ammo for successive hits in the backplate. Doesn't increase damage but increases solo sustain for back line raiders and flankers. First hit starts the buff, if you land another backplate hit within, say, 4-5 seconds you get that ammo back. A cool variation on ammo printer that rewards skilled shots and positioning and acts as an "advanced" implant for tank mains. If you aren't flanking, you load up ammo printer, if you are and you're confident you can hit this standard, you hit this. Might be tricky for salvo weapons though, especially rocket pods, but the current implementation has similar issues with salvo weapons.

    You could make it effect infantry too if you made this change.