Outfitside 2

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fatalness, Jun 22, 2013.

  1. Fatalness

    This game is really starting to turn into outfit vs outfits rather than NC vs TR vs VS and stuff. On waterson its terrible. None of the NC outfits will cooperate and its just terrible. They see themselves as members of DVS and DREV rather than members of the NC. They care about they rep of their outfit rather than their faction. This MLG thing has took it too far. It really has completed the outfitside this game is becoming. I dont know how to fix this now that its gotten started. Ok heres another example. A member of one outfit says to a member of the another outfit. "dude your outfit sucks why can they do anything other than team kill". And that started something throughout the ENTIRE ALERT nothing happened but arguing. I dont think theres a fix but its ridiculous. Come together as a team. not an outfit
  2. DreamlessLiberty

    Shows they are taking the game seriously though. I charged across a bridge along with 100 TR and it was all spam about commissioner hat and smoking cigars. ^.^
  3. Shanther

    From everything I know this problem is only really central to the NC and somewhat the TR, at least when it comes to Waterson. The VS all generally get along and try to help one another.
  4. Kevorkian

    They want you to join outfits and focus on teamwork. There are more changes in store in the future, like squad specific drops, sundies, etc. Its becoming increasingly difficult to Lone Wolf it, but that's ok in the grand scheme of things. Cross-outfit communication is still too difficult, which is why you see alot of enormous zergfits.
  5. Sworaven

    Hearing this I'm really glad the TR on Miller really work together, the TRAM outfits at least.
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  6. Van Dax

    Ditto for the vanu with TVA, its the only real way to do well as an outfit.
  7. tomahawk72

    Im sorry you cant run around like in COD and kill people left and right as a lone wolf, Im also sorry this game involves hundreds of players fighting. But this is planetside where numbers and coordination matter. If you want to play a game as a lone wolf please uninstall planetside 2 and go play call of duty.

    Have a nice day!
  8. Thagyr

    Having been in an Outfit I can say that being in one changes your perceptions a bit. Suddenly everyone outside the outfit are 'Pubs', and are generally considered a boon as well as a threat. They are nice to accompany you when attacking a large facility, but you don't want one flying in the same airspace, or gunning in any vehicle you have. Else they run into you in the air, or waste ammunition/force your vehicle to show on the minimap when you'd rather be inconspicuous. It is a blanket statement, as there are some Pubs that understand these things.

    There really isn't a fix for this kinda thing, just like there isn't a fix for individual players who teamkill, crash your ESF, don't revive when they can, don't repair when they can, don't listen to advice, run you over in a vehicle, use Orders as a general chat to claim their skillfull dominance etc. Players are players. And one of the only ways to get out of this disorganized and dangerous mob is by Outfit.
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  9. starlinvf

    MLG has nothing to do with it. From a commander's standpoint it also boils down to how much you can trust the following groups to do something without additional help.

    1. Pubs, the zerg, the blues/reds/spandex
    2. Small outfits
    3. Large outfits that want to go do something different (because a lot of alerts suck for various reasons)

    I know for sure that the Waterson NC outfits are tired of having to carry the entire empire, when the pugs can't even hold a base with equal numbers. When the organized forces get stretched too thin, or the larger forces request assistance from smaller forces to counter back caps, and no one responds, everything starts to fail and everyone gets frustrated.

    Despite what your thinking, the outfits on that server cooperate on a regular basis. In fact most of them get along very well, with the exception of a few key people who can't be ousted from command channel. And really, the reason people want to blame other outfits is because they can't do anything without those very groups taking the lead.

    But the simple fact is that DREV and DVS are 2 of the larger NC outfits, and where every they are, thats where a large chunk of the NC forces are going to be. If you think something is more important, then take what forces you have and make it happen.
  10. FateJH

    On HCG, bashing EXE is just the hip thing to do if you're TR. There's nothing personal about it, unless they've run you over with their Sunderer Prowler Harasser.
  11. LGhost1904

    I got a little involved on leader chat tonight Fatalness and saw that we can win all the time as long as we are communicating and working together, we did good and won the Saturday night prime time alert. That included large outfits, small, MLG, just everyone worked together and we won. Great showing. We aren't as bad as we come across, we just tend to not care for whatever reason but when we do, game over, give NC Waterson the crown!
  12. cwcriner

    No it's just there is a metric crapton of personal hatred among the various leads in the Waterson NC command chat.
  13. starlinvf

    It hasn't gotten any more difficult then it was before. Its just the output is being outclassed by even low levels of team work. You can still go around shooting people and getting lots of kills for your effort.... but doing the same thing with a small group not only makes the task easier, but generally more efficient.
  14. LGhost1904

    As far as alerts go... Tactics are irrelevant! Straight up. The simplest of outfits working together is enough to get it done, only tactics involved realistically are getting the right numbers to the right place, not allowing ghost caps (on Amer, Esa), and knowing when to not overextend and play some defense...
  15. Garbageman

    I agree with starlinvf: teamwork makes things a LOT easier, but you don't have to join an outfit. Teamwork helps even if it is as few as TWO people. Say one MAX and one engineer. You need to be able to communicate using voice.So you need to get a friend to play, and then use Skype or TeamSpeak or the in-game voice chat. Or a heavy and a medic. You can double-team other lone wolves, or if one of you gets killed, chances are good that the other will finish off the enemy.
    If you want to play lone wolf, you need play a cautious style and pick your fights, or better yet, stay out of them and get kills on the periphery. I have decent results playing an engineer laying traps (i.e. mines) in places that the fight is about to come to. I also used to have decent results playing AA MAX with maxed out ammo capacity and self repair.
  16. Nocturnal7x

    MLG is to blame for everything :p
  17. Cougarbrit

    The game is supposed to be outfitside, though it's a little tiring how long it's taking SOE to give outfits the attention they deserve. All we have is PR **** with FNO and stuff.
  18. LGhost1904

    I get on region chat without being in an outfit and we get stuff done. I tell them what I will do and they will help, I don't need to be in an outfit. Don't get me wrong, I've been with most of the outfits and my name is known for that reason alone. It's good to join an outfit and play WITH the people you are fighting for, great fun. But you can still support them and work with them without having to take orders. A lot of people don't like to take orders after a while and me, I don't care to take them or give them, I just share whatever knowledge I have and region chat is plenty enough to do it. I think it's better for outfits to share commands on region chat, that way pubs will help and learn on the way. Utilize region chat!
  19. Cougarbrit

    If region chat will work for those big battles, sure. Half the time it's a broken mess.
  20. LGhost1904

    Yeah, I run into that during big battles... When that happens, I will just share my intelligence through /yell without caring. When battles are that big, tactics or strats don't really matter, just keep digging til you find their unlimited spawn points.