Outfit with an emphasis on in-game voice?

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by QuartzBear, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. QuartzBear

    Hey there!

    I've noticed a lot of outfits have a requirement for TeamSpeak/Mumble/Ventrillo/etc. While I'm not prejudiced against those services (I have my own Mumble server for T:A), I'm rather happy with the in-game voice and would like to group with other people that use it. Are there any outfits that specialize in (or at least make common use of) in-game voice?

    Thanks in advance,

  2. Dagonlives

    Honestly? No.

    The In game voice is buggy, it is low quality, it lags half a second behind what is going on, and it will occasionally cut out so players have to relog just to use it again.

    Any outfit that has reached a certain size/point in their development acquires a dedicated voice server, usually teamspeak 3.
  3. ({x})Kyoji

    I am sure there are some outfits that do not require a voice communications, although I cannot vouch for their effectiveness, quality or lack thereof.
  4. KiddParK

    I can say that all the Vanu outfits I have worked with in beta and full (xoo, quantum, us, wnx, toxin) all use TS. Some use mumble, and a lot will cross talk with platoon/squad if they're working with pub's but eventually they try and drag them back into their TS (at least we do) as it's better quality, you can control the environment a little better and make separate rooms for squads and styles of play.
  5. QuartzBear

    Honestly, after reading the responses and giving it some thought, I think that big outfits are just not my style. I got together with 3 other guys last night and we kicked some major tail. I think I'm happier in smaller, ad-hoc squads anyway.

    Thanks though.

  6. LibertyRevolution

    I don't like TeamSpeak because it does not put the talk icon over their heads..
    Some random voice in TS telling yelling for people to fallow him.. like we know who he is...
    Yes I know TS3 can show a list of people in the room and light up who is talking.. but it is an overlay..
    And with the 40 people on the chat, that list is taking up half my screen...
  7. Paramecium

    Hi you can make the overlay only show the person talking.

    • Up x 1
  8. LibertyRevolution

    nice! Thanks bro! It was completely unmanageable with a list of 40 peeps!