[BUG] Out of sync / extra repairing.

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by Athanasius, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Athanasius

    This has been happening to me at least once a day since GU02. I'm not sure I ever saw it before then.

    When repairing things, be it a base turret, shield generator, Sunderer, a MAX, anything it seems, sometimes when you pause mid-repair to avoid overheat you find that when you resume the progress circle has regressed some amount. To be clear, this is not a case of the repair target actually coming under any enemy fire during the pause. A common example would be using max level repair gun on a base turret, you pause at 50% waiting for no heat on the repair gun, and when you start again the circle is now showing 25%. This repeats meaning you end up taking 4 cycles to fully repair the turret rather than the 2 that is possible.

    Either there's a de-sync between what the server thinks is happening and what the client thinks is happening, fixed when you stop repairing and restart, or the turret/whatever is taking 'ghost' damage in the meantime. Either way it does actually take the extra time for a base turret to be fully repaired from dead and thus usable again.

    You do appear to get extra XP for the extra repairing. I've not looked at it in detail to be sure if the XP rate is the same as when not bugged in this manner, or if I'm actually getting all of the extra XP, as opposed to it simply be my client misreporting it to me.
    • Up x 2
  2. Athanasius

    This is just getting worse. Being in a busy Crown area fight tonight had multiple engineers trying to repair MAXs, Sunderers etc... and it appears to bug worse in that case. The health bar on the target jumps around as more engineers start repairing, along with the circle progress bar.

    It's basically making repairing almost useless in such a busy fight, THIS NEEDS FIXING ASAP.
  3. Athanasius

    Still seeing this, still just as annoying in big fights.

    Oh, and despite solo-repairing a turret that shows this bug seeming to give extra XP, when it's multiple Engineers on a MAX in a fight it seems to skip XP beats yielding less XP overall, although it's hard to tell if it's that or FF damage causing no-XP ticks.
  4. Athanasius

    And it gets even worse.

    3 Engineers all trying to repair the same vehicle terminal and I swear we were all interfering with each other somehow, it took 3-4x as long as it should to get back up, and then even solo I couldn't get it to full health with another full cycle....
  5. Zhoutai

    Yeah I get this too and its frustrating as hell, only happens on Indar though so I'm guessing its lag related but I can't be bothered to try repair stuff like this
  6. Athanasius

    Ah indeed I end up mostly playing on Indar lately (Outfit enjoys the northern warpgate NC currently has). I can't recall if I've seen this on Esamir or Amerish. This is on Miller btw, and out of the three continents it's the one that gets full at peak times, so this could indeed be lag/load related.
  7. Goodkat

    Yeah this is terrible. It makes vehicles sometimes take two to three times as long to repair. I can't imagine it getting better with server merges...
  8. Nightwolf

    I get this also. It also happens with Medics as well and has been noticed by a large number of players from my outfit. It is annoying as hell
  9. Athanasius

    There's some speculation that the same root cause may be responsible for ammo packs not always working (walk up to them, away to another, back again, none of them working...).
  10. skull4squadron

    I also have this problem.