[Suggestion] Out of Bounds Field under the Map

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MrPokealot, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. MrPokealot

    Seeing the abundance of hackers who exploit going underground and shooting people, why not just put an out of bounds field under the map? If that's possible at all. It'll be better for those of us that accidentally fall into the ground too, sometimes you don't die at all when falling.
    • Up x 1
  2. SidCom

    Now its clear. It happens today on Connery, INDAR, around 1:00 clock morning CEST. The hacker shots hundreds on Chars within a minute in at ground floor at "The crown". His name was "QUADLAZOR". He was completly invisible and just can hear the gunfire from him. (And i mean not like a spy...he was COMPLETLY unvisible!!) If things can happen like this the game is completly unusable..
  3. FreelancePanic

    There is a insta-kill at the bottom of the map it seems (you hit it if you fall through the ground). They need to move that up at the very least.
  4. Gamertech

    They cant even keep the trespass fields inside the spawn rooms and you want them to put one under the entire map?!
  5. UnstableVoltage

    I think making an out of bounds field the shape and size of a square box (spawn room) is one thing, but making one that covers the entire under-map and contours with the terrain probably poses some technical difficulties. Not only that, but it would also have to extend to other objects such as the inside of large rocks and walls where people could also hide.

    Saying that though, if someone has the ability to clip through the map and through walls, teleport and fly around the map, then they are probably able to circumvent the pain fields anyway.