/order and connery?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Irondove, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Irondove

    I have to ask why no one uses this command? especially the TR on Connery...they will never use this. Its useful-ness is underestimated...few people open the map up every 10 mins or so to see where help is needed... or a farm opportunity exist (I'm loathe to accept that there are people who only do that....wish they go play a zombie game instead.)

    BIG YELLOW text and nobody uses it....i dont get it.
  2. AzureKnight

    Because most people ignore it. Lone wolf types may heed those, but if you're in a platoon, chances are you're doing whatever the lead wants out of fear of being kicked from your platoon.
  3. Syrathin

    I don't think people pay much attention to orders anymore, There's been too many people misusing it or just giving bad information. It's one of those things that could be useful but in practice it just isn't mostly because of the people who use it in the first place.
    I can't speak for the other lone wolves out there but I just check my map every now and then rather than taking the word of someone with yellow text, At least then I know the info I'm working off of is reliable.
  4. Morpholine

    If something's being overlooked (and/or my outfit cannot handle it ourselves), to the point where I actually ask for squad lead (and subject myself to the vagaries of leader voice chat), I usually try through the /leader channel first. Orders is a last resort in most situations, for me.

    Although, occasionally there's just no time to get a response any other way.
  5. Irondove

    so they should maybe do the broadcasting thing they did in PS1?
  6. Irondove

    then again it would be nice if people just used it and set the right example....but after a year of this being out...having stopped playing for 2 months...nothing much has changed...the same old same.