Open Letter to the QC team

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Fenrix, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Aerensiniac

    Well said.
  2. Maruun

    They have...[IMG] (nothing to take personal :))
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  3. Rekoro

    things is, no testserver = stupid idea. testing things not at all = stupid idea. yet they make money out of it so thats why they give a **** :D
  4. Withnail

    1) I don't recall ever saying shut up, I said don't be so rude.

    2) If you bought a copy of Black Ops and it didn't work you'd take it back and replace it, you wouldn't stop playing and unless you are a complete moron you wouldn't start screaming blue murder at the shop assistant. This will be fixed in a matter of days.

    Sure everyone is unhappy but being abrasive and rude won't get the problems fixed any quicker.
  5. Jabberwochie

    Theres some very annoying bugs since the GU02. Game threatening bugs, its still playable but very frustrating.

    When other big games break after a patch its either fixed very quickly or they just take the servers down. TBF its 50/50 whether they should do something like this IMO.

    Why o why couldnt you have just released the patch on ONE SERVER? Then seen the errors, got it right and went live 48 hours later, giving the TEST SERVER 2000sc? in compensation. Why annoy everyone with this rubbish.
  6. Centurion

    I have the pleasure to work as a QA myself, and let me just say that you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes at SOE. I dont believe that SOE would release a patch had they known about these huge issues that came with this one, had they known about them beforehand.

    That being said, the reason behind the poor quality of this patch is not something that we can speculate about, or blame specific people. This was a failure of SOE as a whole to produce a good quality patch, and I hope they do what many here have suggested and create a public beta server to evaluate patches on.

    I can understand how something like this can happened, but its important to take lessons from this and make sure it doesnt happened again.

    Besides that, I must say this patch is quite more substantional then I had expected. So Im quite happy that SOE isnt Idle on Planetside 2 and seem to truly intend to keep building new things. I am happy about that at least. Its more then you get with most games.
  7. Deamian

    You have to just laugh at entitlement like this. Only children...and sith deal in absolutes, or something like that.
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  8. Fenrix

    while I do not think the amount of money paid is really relevant to my right to complain. I have spent over $80 possibly over $100 on this game so far not including a one month membership.

    I have also been invloved in one way or another in game modding and game creation for most of my time spent playing computer games. I am a 3d modeller, animator and amateur game designer who has worked on various game mods and run game servers for many years.

    I feel I understand enough about games, how they work, many of the procedures involved in game production and how customers should be treated to present a valid commentary on the recent patch and my feelings about it.

    whether I had paid or had any experience in game development at all. is to be honest completely irrelevant. anyone should have the right to air issues that have affected their ability to play any game. regardless of paid or not.
    I used strong language because I feel strongly about the issue. and the language is directed more at the quality of the work than at an individual or even the team its self.

    it is not a question of whether it will be fixed or not. that is not the issue. the issue is with the fact that there was a failure of process with the recent patch and I posted the letter as a response to that in order to bring the failure to the attention of both forum users and the developers so that the failure does not take place with later patches.

    I am not naive enough to think that my single letter would change policy or get the attention of SOE. but I felt it was an issue that is slowly becoming worse since I started playing. its an issue that may get even worse as time progresses if not addressed. I cast my vote in the direction of progress and rethinking whatever QC process SOE is using for patches. i used the letter as my way of showing my opinion on the matter.

    all the non bugged stuff in the latest patch is fantastic and i love it! i just hate that it broke so many things.
  9. Jabberwochie

    Moving a game forward that doesnt work fully will not win you any fans.

    They dont have a beta test server for patches?

    FTP does not mean that customer satisfaction is optional.
  10. Aerensiniac

    A nonworking product being sold to a customer is called a fraud if done intentionally.

    Based on the experiences we made with patch 01 and the bugs that came with that patch and are still around.... well... what are you basing it on that these problems will magically vanish in a few days?
    Also: You wish to imply to me that to you its a rational thing to wreck the game for a week with a PATCH?

    I see your point, but it hardly comes over as more than white knighting.
    The issue exists and the great majority of it could be addressed by QC and test realms.
    SoE just happens to have neither and the quality of their fixes is ridiculous.

    Im not questioning the work of the devs here, nor their hard work, but if you have to argue that something is fundamentally broken here, then you are not thinking rationally. In fact, i would even go as far as to say that you make even less sense than the butt mad OP.
    Denying problems will get you only one thing: Hate
  11. susspect3

    i love the fact we have had no response from are so called LEADERS.
  12. aquaforte

    Can anyone tell me where i could find a post where people just report the bugs without complaining/ supporting/ insulting/ criticizing etc... I mean people who really like the game just want it to be quickly fixed.. and "opinioning" wont help technicians or programmers (whatever eng word u use for that) to save this game and their job...
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  13. OblongQuake

    Anyone remember the EvE patch that deleted Windows boot.ini? I mean, at least this patch only broke the game itself.
  14. NateDiesel

    my lightning is firing blanks TROLOLOLO
  15. Maarvy


    We arent sony employees , we dont want to live test every ****y patch you release .
  16. Hatamoto

    If the EVE team can do that, imagine what SOE can do on a really bad patch day
  17. Athon Solo

    You're right. If I bought Black Ops and it was fundamentally broken on purchase, or a couple of months later by a patch, I wouldn't shout at the shop assistant, I would be shouting on the developers forums.

    People are not shouting at the shop assistant. They are shouting at the company and people that develop the product on an ongoing basis.

    Our point is that breakage on this scale should never have happened in the first place. Our point is that we are unhappy with the game in its current state. Our point is that we want better QA/QC on major patches. Our point is that we don't want there to be a next time.

    I don't understand why anyone at SOE felt the need to rush this patch out. The community seemed happy enough with the current gameplay as of Friday. No one was baying for blood because the January patch hadn't been released yet. Our point is that we would much rather have a late patch than the current state of the game.

    Yes, SOE probably don't have 1000 people on their QA/QC team, but it would have only taken one to try out each vehicle and make sure it functioned as expected on a stupidly basic level. It would have taken only 1 to try out each turret type and check that it worked as expected on a stupidly basic level. There's some really fundamental functionality that's completely broken.

    I don't expect a perfect patch with no bugs. But I certainly don't expect this either.

    This patch should have never gone live in its current state. When this patch went live in its current state, it should have been immediately obvious to the developers how major the breakage was and it should have been rolled back within hours.
  18. Xebetax

    This is a very disappointing scenario.
    Yesterday was interesting, there were a few comments from the populace about the confusing colour scheme, and some minor bugs, but generally the mood was optimistic. I log in today for <5 mins and I log off dumbstruck. It is really unacceptable what has happened as a result of this hotfix.

    Bite the bullet, roll back the version, try again.
  19. Aerensiniac
    Other than that, feel free to create your own thread. You should understand the irony of not wanting to be part of an opinion thread, yet posting in one.
  20. aquaforte

    thanks aerensiniac, i think this link is just fine. I must admit im a bit lost in all these threads..
    -btw irony is beyond my english speaking abilities. I rather avoid "over-reactivity" and compulsive posting in foreign language, and waste time too.