[Suggestion] "OP" isn't what bothers most..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MNO, May 8, 2013.

  1. Sharmanti

    I'd really like to see VS have hover-flashes, hover-lightnings and hover-harassers.
    And I main TR.
    • Up x 1
  2. MNO

    Yes. Give me a hover-jetski now.
  3. St0mpy

    • Up x 1
  4. Kenny007

    Agreed, as NC. Though I'd love the ability to shoot a Flash rider and take it for a spin!

    I also don't entirely understand why the Phoenix gets brought up all the time; seems a good portion of the forums think it is the end all, be all, of rocket launchers. Having bought one myself, I find it almost too situational; at least for my style of play. The need to shoulder and stay stuck behind a fly by wire camera gets me killed embarrassingly often, so I instead lean on the Shrike.

    I fear I may be missing something that could make me OP. :(
  5. MilitiaMan

    I would just have 10 sticks of C4 slammed to the front of a galaxy and dive bomb the thing.
  6. MNO

    And that would look ******* awesome, would it not?