On Hacking, A Suggestion for the Devs, From a Dev.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by AirSuicide, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. AirSuicide

    You may or may not be able to create or adapt the following, but I have faith in you, If Blizzard and CCP can do it, so can you

    I hate Blizzard Entertainment (For reason I wont go into).. But.... Perhaps Sony should discuss "Warden" with them. As Warden is a very aggressive and efficient cheat detection and anti hack AI program. It essentially hunts down, kicks and autobans anyone it detects using a program which it's "AI" determines as a hack. It is an extremely sophisticated program based on a virus which invades, scans, and determines programs running on a suspected individuals pc. If it finds something it considers a hack it identifies its source if possible, reports it to the devs, then kicks and auto bans the player using it.

    Naturally occasional unwanted bans happen and they are resolved, but Warden is VERY efficient.

    How it works:

    1. It consistently scans and watches every player logged into the server, as they log in it scans their active add-ons for anomalies also.
    2. If it detects abnormal code, movement, placement and any number of other factors which it can not relate to game mechanics:
    3. It then invades the suspected players PC, and scans their drive and any windows or processes they have open and running.
    4. If it detects a 3rd party program and determines it is responsible for the anomalies (Such as say a player or gun fire from or in a supposedly inaccessible part of the map like under a building), it Automatically kicks the player from the server and bans their account.
    5. Simultaneously it sends a flash of the players hard drive and all relevant files related to the ban.

    It should also be noted that Warden makes exceptions to programs such as xpadder which only allow the player to bind the keyboard and mouse to an xbox360 / PS3 controller etc. And does not ban for them as they are what it considers "harmless". However if an individual tried to mod xpadder to allow them to preform a hack, the program would detect it and ban them.

    Blizzards Eula has an entire section devoted to policies concerning Warden which you must agree to in their terms of service. This allows them to legally use Warden to preform said actions, as by agreeing you consent to Wardens terms for playing their games.

    CCP's EvE Online, has a similar though far more sophisticated AI which preforms the same function. CCP's AI makes Blizzards look like a caveman.

    But both do their job well. And either would work for Planetside 2.

    And note when I say AI, I mean a serious Artificial intelligence program capable of thinking and making its on decisions. Although technically it is a "Dumb AI" (Halo fans will know what that term means), It is still the most advanced security feature a game can have. Imagine a 24/7 Dev who's only job was to scan for hackers and watch the coding for anomalies. And which could choose to act or not act based on it's own assumption and findings.

    That's Warden (I can't remember what CCP calls theirs, its more of a designation and kind of scifi/Spacy)

    Needless to say, Both Eve Online, and World of Warcraft are virtually Hack free. Exploits are all people have to worry about. occasionally a new hack will get by warden.. for a bit, but it eventually adapts, finds it and kicks/autobans the player. And it is VERY fast at adapting. If you read the forums about warden or google it you will find posts about players logging in trying to hack only to be banned 5 minuets later the longest period I believe it's taken to adapt, hunt down, and ban a new Hack program previously not encountered by it before was 15 minuets.
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  2. SuredeathHellman

    Somethings gotta be done. It only takes a few or a couple even to really screw things over.

    I don't like blizzard either but if it works I say give warden a go.

    Don't let them ruin PS2 like APB.
  3. AirSuicide

    Only problem is Warden is Blizzards Pet AI. I don't know if they will "Share" it lol. CCP might share theirs... But I doubt it. I am positive Sony could develop one of their own if push comes to shove however. It's just a matter of them being Motivated enough to spend the money on it.
  4. AirSuicide

  5. Noobv8

    I dont want to destroy your thoughts man but if you think they have found an effective way of banning ppl you are either wrong or I am just stupid.

    Lets take wow as an example, as a player I have seen so many bots out there its ridicules. In wow you have a thing called mining/herbing. All those bots fly in the same line day in day out without being banned. And most important it is always the same characters performing this. Even when you provide a list of 50 names to the gms out there they keep on botting.

    Dont get me wrong id like to see an effective way of banning cheaters. But I doubt Blizzard has the solution. However I did not play their RTS games so it might be they do have an effective solution there.
  6. hostilechild

    That program is so looking for a lawsuit. Retrieving anything off a private machine without explicit permission is breaking several laws. Now you could just make them accept is as part of the EULA but first time it sent something (non game related) they would be screwed.
  7. AirSuicide

    There terms of service which you MUST agree to before playing their games states explicitly that you give "Warden" permission to look for 3rd party cheat and hack programs, etc. (Among other things), it also logs which addons you use and specifically what they do.)

    So if you play their game you gave them your consent, Then the Warden AI can do whatever the hell it wants.
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