[Suggestion] On Expensive Rifles and OHKs

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Valerye, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. usages wnbgrintooth

    I think most head shots from almost any weapon should be one shot kills to be honest...but a one shot body shot I could never agree with. if for any other reason it would take a lot of fun out of the game for people as they get spawn killed from long range. The only real big change I think the Inf really needs is that 2 second breath thing...that in itself is makes any chance of long range sniping for the average person difficult. I have seen many good ideas on here but I think my favorite was to add a cert purchase to increase the steady time for aiming. Right now very few could line up and make the adjustments to hit a moving target in two seconds with out a ton of luck.
  2. Ztiller

    Maybe you should ask an actually good sniper abotu that, since you're obviously not? I'm not, but i don't come up with excuses.

    It SHOULD be difficult and near on impossible to OHK an enemy at 200m+ distance. Why the hell do you think it should be easy? "Gief win pl0x?"

    You are at a range where the enemy have no way of fighting you, except for with other snipers, and you want to be able to without any difficulty whatsoever just click and kill.

    It might surprise you, but the people you are fighting are players, not NPCs. They are there to enjoy the game. Not to be target-bunnies for instakill snipers 300m away.

    No, it is still a ridiculously stupid suggestion.
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  3. BigIronRanger

    I would love to have a sniper that did 1000+ damage and allowed you to snipe from 300+ meters but all the non infils/snipers will be whining no doubt.

    Nice suggestions BTW
  4. Chouheals

    A 200+m headshot, let alone body shot is NOT impossible. I've fired enough bolt actions using a 12x scope at distances farther than 200m to know that getting a body shot is NOT hard. Don't assume everyone else's aim sucks because your aim sucks.

    One doesn't need to "rapid-fire" if it kills in 1 shot. As I said, only some absurd type of balancing could make OHBK work.

    Theoretically, any kind of bullet shot from a real gun into your skull should kill you. My point is, why are you bringing real life physics into a game? We don't say that OSHS is OP because it's what happens in real life, it's because it's OP for balance purposes of the game. You are basically saying you want something akin to an AWP in a game where it doesn't belong just to alleviate your inability to aim over long distances.

    It's hard to say exactly what would NOT be OP, because all you're doing is basing it from your own sniping experiences, and assuming that everyone else suffers the same problems you do at long range, which isn't true. You have to look at it from a bigger perspective.

    Rockets also travel so slowly that you can anticipate it and dodge it with ease. Again, using real life arguments when it's convenient for you doesn't work in video games.
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  5. Valerye

    I never said anything about body shots being difficult, even at 200m+. I can easily hit targets at 300 or 500m. It's not hard. What is hard is managing to land a second, lethal shot once they realize they're under fire and begin taking evasive action. I'm actually a damn good ranged sniper, if I do say so myself.

    Obviously the downside of a rapid-fire OHBK rifle is that you would be able to spray down enemies with it like a laser.

    Not necessarily. A 9mm headshot is definitely survivable, depending on where it hits you.

    And obviously some kind of kevlar (or other nanoweave) would prevent up to a .45 round, like current military helmets, but AR fired .45 rounds travel at around 700ms-1.

    A Barret M82 round is 10cm long and 1.2cm wide. Travelling at 1200+ms-1. That's not survivable, no matter where it hits you.

    From most of the other posts in this thread, it appears a lot of people have the same experience as me.

    Rockets don't travel slowly.

    When was the last time you dodged a Shrike or a Phoenix round? Probably never.
  6. lilleAllan

    More recoil is not really a drawback on a bolt action.
    And having a sniper with 1000 velocity and insane damage is just braindead stupid, seriously.

    Too hard to hit moving targets with the longshot/whatever? Practice.
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  7. Chouheals

    Then you would realize how OP a OHBK would be to the overall balance of the game. Getting a second shot off is only difficult if they are near cover (in which case you should take a careful head shot) or if you take forever to shoot and therefore they are able to get to cover.

    The point I was trying to make is that reload time is not a good counter to OHBK since I feel it isn't that big of a penalty. It needs to be something bigger, for example as someone said making snipers have like 500 total hp (including shields). It's really hard to balance something that kills instantly, and by making OHBK you are trivializing the point of head shots. You are effectively decreasing a skill cap that effectively separates good players from bad players, as well as limiting options (since if you can get a rifle that can OHBK, why bother with anything else?)

    Again, I'm saying that it is pointless to bring real life arguments as legit reasons for game balance. If this game was so realistic, we wouldn't be able to shoot at these distances without spotters, getting close to explosions would injure us/slow infantry down/blow up their limbs/whatever. Deaths would be permanent and none of this re birthing crap would exist.

    Basing the majority from the responses from this thread is cherry picking. It's the same logic as saying this game sucks because so many people on this board QQ about it, when in reality usually people who have problems speak up, while those people who are content just shut up and enjoy the game.

    Also there's a fair amount of people who don't agree as well within this thread.

    I don't know why you CAN'T dodge Phoenix rounds. They travel so slowly, their controls are sluggish, and you can either dodge or shoot it down. I personally have done both, and I find dodging it easier (I do it all the time).

    I'm not completely against the idea of buffing BASR's, and in fact it would be nice since I LOVE sniping long range with my infiltrator, but to give any gun OHBK potential is game-breaking and needs HUGE drawbacks. You can look at the pump action shotgun nerf as an example of this; they can't OHBK past 8m, and people STILL think it's OP. Imagine a rifle that can potentially OHBK from 2 regions away. It's already devastating that you can do that with head shots (and with OHBK you also take away the skill cap of aiming for head shots.)

    Think of counter-strike as an example: Everyone knows that the AWP is kind of OP, but it's balanced in several ways.

    -CS maps are so small that it's hard to NOT be seen right away when sniping with AWP, forcing it into a direct confrontation with the target.
    -AWP is not easily accessible since it is one of the most expensive guns in the game.
    -TTK in CS is MUCH higher and therefore other guns can go toe to toe at even the furthest distances (Ex: You can kill someone with an AWP using a Desert Eagle with 1 headshot in awp_map, a map designed to give advantage to AWP's.)

    I just don't think that PS2 is a game that can balance OHBK sniper rifles, and in the event that they do, they need to introduce a penalty to it; something akin to MAX/Vehicle timers, maybe magazine/clip size, and possibly tweaks to aim (severe bullet drop or something, but nothing that can't be compensated with skill.)
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  8. GunsmithJoe

    I'd be happy to forgo the OHBK if they buffed headshot damage/damage dropoff and bullet speed. I play from extreme ranges, but from those ranges you can't hit anything reliably (except engies in turrets, and even then...). A super-high calibre rifle (I'm gonna push my Anti-Max here), which requires deployment in a similar manner to the prowler (but which limits arc, say 60deg?), and with a not insignificant rechambering time would work out fairly balanced. Hell, I could probably accept a minimum range before damage starts, say 75m?
  9. Vaphell

    with such tech there would be no infantry in the first place, why bother when you can deploy drones with full spherical vision, nanosecond reaction time and millimeter precision. Or just nuke the damn place.
    Either way there is "realistic" and then there is "somewhat realistic" where relative balance exists. If it's a long range low RoF weapon, better be sure it can obliterate the target no questions asked, otherwise it makes no sense to use it over full auto spray. It's ridiculous that their weaponsmiths can't get not one, not two but three BASR models right (they don't do their only job reliably so they are a dud), but miraculously got everything right with pump actions (you point at it, it dies).

    you know why they travel slowly? because they were made that way *after* people farmed infantry with it left and right, running or not. Devs had no problem with introducing a weapon that ohks on body shot and allows for corrections in flight, yet they have a problem with specialized anti-infantry weapons one-shotting on hitting 20x smaller target with no corrections allowed beyond 75-100m mark. That makes absolutely no sense.
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  10. Chouheals

    I'm just saying people shouldn't use "RL" examples whenever it justifies their point. Sure there's a certain amount of realism in every game, since it's based on what we experience as humans, but there are also non-real aspects which you need to take into account when balancing games. Anyways I don't want to debate about realism or whatever, I'm just saying you can't pull stuff out of your *** by saying "it should be like X because it works like X in real life" when you don't account for other things in the game that don't function like real life.

    As for the drawbacks of the whatever this OHBK BASR will be, it needs to be something so debilitating that other BASR's still have a use. Some longer reload time and prep time before starting to shoot isn't going to cut it IMO.

    For one, I don't recall them nerfing the speed of the Phoenix, only the damage (at least from patch notes). Otherwise, I dodged them back then as I dodged them now. It's ridiculously easy to dodge phoenix missiles, and I've died a total of 2 times from what I can recall from Phoenix's. The fact that they could OHK infantry was quickly fixed by the devs, who saw how OP a OHBK weapon could be.

    I just don't understand why people want to make sniping in this game easier. It's the only thing left with a skill cap to master. My only gripe with sniping right now is that even stupid Nanoweave Rank 2 protects people from getting OHK via headshots. The devs need to make Nanoweave Rank 5 as the only thing that can save OHK's or make a new type of armor that specifically protects against headshots in general (similar to flak armor, but against headshots) but then again, that would make Nanoweave kinda pointless.
  11. lilleAllan

    Well, the Nanoweave lvl 5 will protect you at closer distances than lvl 2. I forgot the numbers.I think nanoweave 2 won't protect you at 100 m or closer or something like that.

    My experience as a sniper (been mostly playing engie lately) was that not too many people ran nanoweave in the open anyway. Every once in a while, someone would seemingly survive a headshot, but honestly so what? Either the target will be forced to huddle behind cover and eat a restoration kit or he can be killed with a follow up body shot. In the meantime, there are plenty of other targets to kill, most of who don't run nanoweave.

    As for the Phoenix (this is not adressed at you Chouheals) - the people who keep bringing this up need to get your head straight. It IS easy to dodge, very easy, Honestly, try it out yourself in VR and have one of your friends try to dodge it. All he has to do is sidestep a bit. And it doesn't OHK unless you're on a turret or flash since those count as vehicles. The reload time and bullet velocity makes it VERY unfeasible to try to take out infantry with a follow up rocket unless they spilled water in their keyboard or something. I don't have the faintest idea what you're trying to prove when you keep bringing this up - the Phoenix sucks for killing infantry.
  12. Vaphell

    it may be easy to dodge if you know it's coming for you. Compilations on youtube show it had no problem catching people running and appeared to have ridiculously huge hitbox (camera looks like missing 0.5m to the side yet hit is registered)
    It's not OHK *now*, but it was initially and people did nothing else but farmed the hell out of infantry with it. No **** it had to be nerfed. It was 10x easier to kill people with it than with sniper rifle, not to mention 300m range, 3-4x the viability threshold of BASRs.
  13. lilleAllan

    Considering the quick nerf, I don't understand the point of bringing it up at all.
  14. Vaphell

    granted, it's not a strong argument, but shows the devs have a pisspoor grasp of consequences of their own design decisions. It's not rocket science to predict that guided OHK missile will be exploited to farm infantry. I don't put much faith in their rationale behind current situation of BASRs.
  15. Mhyrria

    This is a clear cut whine and L2P issue. Ive done headshots at 300m (which IMO is the long-range, not 200m where a HA can still hit you) minimum ranges to moving targets, it's not impossible and neither is it about luck. It is about aim, nothing more. You compensate for the distance, target's speed and direction, that is what those dot mil on your scope is for. My advice, get Auraxium medal for your sniper rifle 1st.
  16. GunsmithJoe

    All of these pro shots you've done, how many were not soldiers in an open field on their own?
  17. Mhyrria

    I've seen you in Briggs. You mostly play vehicles. Why would a decent Infiltrator be sniping soldiers on their own in an open field? Infiltrators love chaos in the battlefield, we take advantage of their false security in numbers.
  18. DarthGoogle

    Actually, issue with long-range shots is not about landing a headshot. But there are few issues:

    1) Nanoweave which prevents you from OHKs. Yes, you can follow-up with bodyshot. Sometimes. And sometimes you cant. Problem is that ive spend my time, calculating that skillshot. It connected.. and i do not get rewarded.
    2) Your targets can instantly change direction by 180 degrees while sprinting, not losing any speed. This makes any sniper shots against target that aware of your presence plain impossible. They slip all around, frantically. Movements should have some momentum.
    3) Bullet travel speed. Some LMGs or ARs have better one that high-caliber sniper rifle.

    If those gonna be fixed, i would be happy. No need for AWPs.
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  19. Booface

    Speak for yourself. Unless somebody is actively zig-zagging, I get headshots on runners all the time. More often than I miss, in fact.

    No, sniping at 100m+ is not point and click in this game. But it's not impossible either.

    Nope, not going to happen. OHK at long range without requiring the time to compensate for drop and movement would be ridiculously OP. The only thing that keeps it balanced now is that not everyone can do it consistently, or efficiently.

    That's not a true marksman weapon, that's easy-mode. Listen, I get that the infiltrator (sniper) is underperforming. I get that the class needs some extra utility, some new ways to meaningfully contribute to objectives.

    But I, for one, enjoy the time and effort it takes to land a perfect shot at long range. Especially on running medics. But extreme long range is not where the infiltrator needs improvement. Actually, at extreme long range, the infiltrator is pretty balanced. Deadly, but requiring enough time and effort per kill that it's not OP. Where the infiltrator needs improvement is utility in large-scale battles. That means better recon devices, spotting abilities, disabling vehicles, improved hack functionality (like hacking faction-based shields), flashbangs and other chaos-creating devices, etcetera.

    Buffing extreme long range combat would not only be OP, but it would create a distraction by giving us the false impression that the class is improved.
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  20. GunsmithJoe

    You may wish to review my stats from Here before casting your aspersions, but otherwise that was entirely my point.