OMG guys Hossin is fully unlock on PTS!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UAL328, Mar 3, 2014.

  1. ScrapyardBob

    They need to fix the water effects before they do Hossin.
    • Splash particles (and sounds) when rounds hit the water.
    • Splash sounds as infantry move through ankle-deep water, deeper wading sounds in waist-deep water.
    • Being able to crouch in the water so only your head and ADS'd weapon is visible to thermal. (So we need waist-deep water, not ankle deep.)
    • Vehicles that create V-waves, splashing, etc.
    I'm pretty sure that none of that is in yet and it's the same issues that we brought up last Summer when Hossin was first previewed.
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  2. Pikachu

    I could enter my TR warpgate but not my vanu. :confused:
  3. libbmaster

    Am I the only one who is digging the lattice setup?

    Many 3+ link sites. Me likey.

    Plus, the cover between bases is dense enough for rolling field fights!
  4. Kurohagane

    You know, with all the trees it's gonna be suicidal to go down low anyways. Both because of crashing (in both senses) and having little room to maneuver against AA. On the other hand, neither will AA reach aircraft high-up. So both sides can have isolated skirmishing zones.
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