[Suggestion] OMG! Can we have old sound of T7 Chaingun?! Check this video!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mystogan, Mar 28, 2015.

  1. Mystogan

    I didn't know T7 Chaingun used to have so AWSOME, MANLY, HARD-HITTING, LAUD and FREAKING POWERFULL SOUND!

    Video is 2 year old, it can be still BETA or Early Days of PS2.

    Just....WOW! It is only my opinion but I would like it back! I could feel the power of weapon just by hearing its sound in this video.

    Also, It can be just me but wasn't old Chaingun spin up faster than current one? I may be wrong here!

    I think so many old sounds were much better, but maybe I am just too old :/

    EDIT: Check also rocket launcher sound in this video. And all other sounds. You could hear wind blowing on Esamir, explosions had this more accustic effect, you could hear lightning tracks starting to move when tank was moving, bullet sound was different flying above your head. And Chaingun didn't have this stupid "BRRRT" sound when it spins, only typical mechanical sound of spining barrel.
    • Up x 1
  2. QQlazors

    I like. DB PLZ

    Oh, and I liked old chaingun mechanic better. Can i haz that too?
  3. DashRendar

    Old MCG didn't have spinup. That was added later on, still in Beta though I believe. If I'm wrong about that, then the user was just using the spinup-bypass technique, which was popular back then, where you either pressed left mouse then right mouse, or right mouse then left mouse in quick succession (I don't remember now which one it was).

    EDIT: Gahh, those old TRAC sounds. Like someone drumming on a cheap plastic tabletop from IKEA o_O
  4. STR1D3R109

    OMG the old magazine counter!! I want that so i can play no hud with it again ;P
  5. MikeyGeeMan

    The version I remember had spin up time before firing and sounded like a fart machine. But once spun up....everything died.