[Suggestion] Old Bio Lab shield domes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JarredGalaxy, Apr 21, 2023.

  1. JarredGalaxy

    This is a topic that has been brought up by several people over the last few years ever since the old transparent shield domes on the Bio Labs were changed out to the current non-transparent metal design as an answer to some performance concerns revolving around rendering and the shields themselves however I think that since PC hardware has improved quite a bit since that change and with the devs doing some work on the games graphics such as with the recent graphical update on the lighting and skyboxes and so on, this is another thing to consider looking at.

    Images of the old Bio Lab domes, they really did look a lot more epic with them
    interior view

    In addition to restoring the old energy shields I think some new features can added to make them more interesting such as making them where the shield changes color based on what empire controls the Bio Lab. Like when captured the shield gets temporaily during the animation for a few seconds then reactivates as a different color

    TR: The shield would be red
    NC: Have the original blue shield
    VS: Could have either purple or teal color

    Another idea I have to make it so it's not strictly just a decorative feature and give them a gameplay purpose is having a new shield generator inside the Bio Lab or new hackable terminal like for the tempest siphon at the Containment Sites and shields at some facilities that allows for the attacking side to disable the dome shield enabling aircraft outside to shoot at enemies inside the Bio Labs or to airdrop infantry in through the dome, this would bring some new gameplay to Bio Labs by allowing for some new offensive and defensive strategies that could also help in breaking some of the long stalemates that tend to happen at Bio Labs making them more fun to fight at.
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  2. Liewec123

    The old domes are just one of the many many things that we've lost over the years
    But this might be one of the very few cases were I'm OK with them going

    The originals looked really cool, but the new ones increase your fps a huge amount
    since your comp will only need to render Inside of the biolab most of the time, rather than everything around it too
  3. JarredGalaxy

    Well I think it's still important to remember PC hardware has improved quite noticeably since this change and continues to rapidly advance every year so I think the performance and FPS problems will not be as much of an issue as they were before. Which personally I never really noticed myself and sometimes wonder if some of the players talking about this problem ever had noticeable performance issues themselves and noticed an increase in FPS after the domes were changed. Or if they just accepted the change since it was said to have improved FPS for some players.

    But while discussing this what be your opinion on the idea I had involving making it so the shields change colors based on the faction that owns the Bio Lab and being able to disable the shield from like a terminal?
  4. Liewec123

    Yup dome colour changing bases on Faction is a good idea :)
    I'm not against see-through domes coming back, I just don't see them as being too important :p
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  5. JarredGalaxy

    Well they do hold some level of importance as they made the Bio Labs look much cooler and graphical beauty plays an important role in the quality of modern gaming.