[Suggestion] Offer the Supernova-R PC again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Quovatis, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Quovatis

    Will this weapon ever be offered again? I saw it listed under the directives, and I was excited that I would be able to purchase and auraxium a new Magrider weapon, but couldn't find it under any of the bundles. After some searching, it appears it was only offered in 2014 if you recruited 20 players or something. Only 7 VS players own this weapon in all of Planetside! Anyway, offer it again somehow. My money is waiting.
  2. TheProScout

    Ah yes, the Recruiter rewards for our Ambassadors for Sony Online Entertainment....
    Im a Collector aswell,
    I recently maxed out my liberator 73k certs/78k certs, but couldn't get it to 100% because im missing the Zepher PX, which was the last 5k certs.
    All MBT's also got a special variant of their maingun, i specially like the looks on the TR PS2-120-R Heat
    , where the double barrels are attached.

    to get the recruiter rewards u either had to find 20/25 friends to spend 10 euros on this game, or

    make 20/25 new accounts yourself and spend 10 euros on each account. so for 200 or 250 euro's you could have had this exclusive set.

    Now Years later, and these few weapons are missing from my collection, i regret i did not do this myself back in 2013,
  3. Liewec123

    if by chance you're NC on Cobalt i might be able to help you there at some point :)