[Suggestion] Offer higher level optics for prowler main gun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MikeyGeeMan, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    With the anchor ability the increase in muzzle speed on the main gun lends for it to be used as long range artillery.

    But the optics are set for closer range engagements.

    The option for 3x -5x optics should be available.

    i would actually say to keep balance make it available on all tanks
  2. FBVanu

    We asked for this a long time ago.. something about the graphics getting all screwy when you zoom in too far..
    I never understood the reason, but it was a big no-no on more zoom for tank cannons.
  3. ColonelChingles

    IRL tanks have 3x, 8x, and 10x regular optics. They also have 3-10x thermal optics.

    Then again IRL tank shells could probably fly for the entire width and height of a PS2 continent. :p

    I mean the M1 TUSKs have pretty much a coaxial 12.7mm fully automatic sniper rifle attached to them (in addition to the regular coaxial 7.62mm LMG). You're going to need good sights if your tank has a sniper rifle! :D
  4. ronjahn

    Seems to work fine on Libs and Skyguards, don't see how it would be a huge issue with MBTs. Skyguards and libs go up to 3x zoom IIRC so we can do at least that in MBTS no?