NV and Cloakers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Defaceo, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Achmed20

    i like it.
    with SMGs and new NV change its actualy fun to play an infil now.

    gogo infils. enjoy it ^^
  2. HyperMatrix

    If this were PS1, I'd disagree. But considering there is no "perma-cloak," I agree that it was too much to have the most used scope give away an infiltrators location.
  3. bodmans

    if theyre close with med-high settings you can see them if you pay att
  4. Cl1mh4224rd

    Infiltrators never had a permanent cloak in PS1 (at least not when I played). The only way it was ever "permanent" was if you had a specific implant and stayed crouched and crouch-walked at most.
  5. gl hf

    I think it is a BUG,hotfix again?
  6. Revanmug

    You must be blind if you can't see infiltrator at high setting. Are we balancing games for people with lack of vision now?
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  7. Defaceo

    Yeah, it's probably a bug and for a good reason.
  8. Aghar30

    I dont play infil and I think its fair, infil cloak works by bending light, IRNV scope works by allowing you to see more with less light (rl it converts IR into visible spectrum) since the light is bent around the infil, you wouldn't be able to see them any easier since it bends the IR as well as the visible spectrum.
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  9. Zan_Aus

    I use NV on my HA and it completely obsoleted the Infiltrator primary ability. You can still see them through an NV scope, they appear as the same shimmer as without the scope, just in black and white.

    Needs to stay as is.
  10. Wesrin

    Hello. My name is Bob. I am not an Infiltrator. I use IRNV extensively.

    IRNV still makes it quite easy to see the distortions of their cloak at closer ranges. When they move, of course. I now have to use more then once sense to detect and kill the little spandex ninjas.

  11. Aghar30

    Imagine if these guys ever ran into a spy from TF2, good lord they would freak. There is no way to see a good C+D spy if hes careful.
  12. Jex =TE=

    On low settings now ifni's are ridiculously visible.
  13. frankenroach

    Then wouldn't you be able to see the contours around the infiltrator's body where the light is being compacted (pretty much how the HS/NV originally worked; being able to see the infiltrator's outline)?
  14. Dkamanus

    I use IRNV scope extensively, and I say change the name for NV Scope. Infiltrators can already be seen at naked eyes and the sound they make already is loud enough to check for their presence. As long as it works with Smoke grenades, I don't give a damn about infiltrators having this fix for them.
  15. Lucerin_SolTech

    The fact the IR scopes make anything "super neon green" for easy target identification is wrong. There is nothing that gives off an IR signature from the human body more so than its surroundings. Why do you think service-members have multiple IR reflectors sewn into their uniforms as equipment to prevent fratricide?

    That's the point of the 200 certifications thermals. IR scopes were given an advantage because the real world advantages of IR are negated within Planetside 2 by putting a colored, inverted, glowing triangle over enemy heads in medium-close range. There is no true "fog of battle" in Planetside 2, so real-life correlation is nonexistent.

    Realistically, thermals are flawed from a personal weapon standpoint. The heat from your muzzle-flash causes "white out" and makes a reset necessary after each shot.
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  16. Lakora

    I am an LA/Infil and I use IRNV... For mine sweeping.