NSO Repair Drone gone?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagareth, May 1, 2022.

  1. Zagareth

    Ok, I don't play as regular as usual in the last few month and I'm not really up to date with all informations. I got me a nice repair drone from a mission and now it seems gone.
    Well, it's not something big or overpowered, but different to other factions. I'm really wondering why it has been removed.
    Or it it just hidden somewhere?
  2. OpolE

    Yes, useless even having dev's make it just to knowingly remove it.
  3. Tycoh

    The repair drone was capable of repairing vehicles, maxes, and shield generators through walls even after the player died. They probably couldn't get it to stop repairing things through walls due to spaghetti code and simply cut it out of the game.
  4. Botji

    It did have the warning in its description from day 1 that after the campaign it would no longer be available, reason why I only leveled it like 1-2 times and used the campaign resource for camo instead.
  5. Avendorz

    Yeah, unfortunately it was for limited time only.
    Kinda sad that they didn't continue it or offer any alternative. Kinda makes NSO mostly useless again.