NS15-M: The gun everybody should get?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by RyanGUK, May 18, 2014.

  1. RyanGUK

    Now I dunno if it's just me but I've been regularly rolling around with an Anchor up until recently where I got my hands on the NS15-M in a daily sale...

    Oh my Higby god.

    The gun is great for long range, same with medium range and it can hold its own in short range. You can go around with that gun and knife any foo' very quickly. I want to know though, who shares these feelings with me? Is there any cons to the gun? I haven't actually found one thus far. D;

    And just to add, buy it with SC and you get it for allllllllll of your characters, win much?
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  2. Plunutsud pls

    Looks like low rof is the only downside, it will get destroyed at close range by an Orion.
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  3. RyanGUK

    lol actually I can vouch for that... ;_;
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  4. Rogueghost

    One of my least favorite LMGs, I got auraxium with it and never touched it again.
    It has one of the longest TTKs of any primary in the game in exchange for being very accurate, not a fair trade imo.
  5. Pie Chasm

    Only somewhat worth it if you don't have an Orion. Somewhat... not really.
  6. Liberty

    It is pretty much a niche weapon designed for the heavy assault marksman allowing you to chain headshots at much greater distances than just about any other LMG.

    The main weakness being very low DPS in close range. If you can aim for and consistently hit the head of a target, the weapon is pretty solid because the bullets tend to go pretty close to where you shoot thanks to the low recoil and slow bloom (because of the low ROF). Also, it is blessed with the 0.75 ADS movespeed modifier which TR and NC lack on their LMG's.
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  7. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Purchase with SC, so much win imo
    I like this gun for same reason
    For those who favor ns15m, Buying this with SC on sale is a good take
  8. vilehydra

    I recommend getting the NS-15 as a training gun really. When I feel like I'm slacking on my aim or headshots for any other lmgs I switch back to this gun because it trains you to quickly and accurately pull off headshots. If you don't you will get wrecked, if you do you will wreck.
  9. Ripshaft

    There's plenty of people who love this gun, myself included - it's stupidly good and versatile. Pretty weaksauce closerange against any competent opponent, but those are fairly rare and you can avoid those situations most of the time, so not that big a deal. Absolutely phenomenal weapon if you're able to use it right. Synergizes especially well with the crossbow with recon bolts, due to the lightning fast reload and midrange engagements basically eliminating the need for a secondary that does damage.
  10. LibertyRevolution

    It is my favorite LMG besides the Orion. It is my go to LMG for my TR and NC.
    It is actuate like no other, it is a headshot machine.
  11. Bl4ckVoid

    620 RPM with 143 dmg? No thanks.
    Dedicated long range LMGs are as accurate as the NS15 already but with higher DPS.
  12. LibertyRevolution

    The bullets go where you aim, so the rest the stats don't matter..
    It is the only LMG in the game that feels like it has no COF bloom, you can just headshot after headshot..
    You either love the gun, or you hate the gun. If you want a gun that shoots where are you aiming this is the gun.
    Trial it.. weapon stats are meaningless..
  13. yeHHH1g

    The gun basically has no recoil, so headshots are a breeze. You are at a huge disadvantage close range due to the low ROF though. If you limit your engagements to medium ranges and don't get jumped by someone close up it wrecks face.
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  14. Maljas23

    For TR, I find the Bull to be much more reliable in nearly every situation.
  15. Amundsenkalmah

    I like it a lot, some day i'll auraxum it in my other 2 guys
  16. HerpTheDerp

    If the moving ADS CoF was .3, then it would be worth it.

    As it is, it doesn't really do anything that MSW-R/GD-22S/Anchor don't already do.

    And MSWR/GD-22S/Anchor actually do damage.