Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spazbats, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Spazbats

    rifle if u buy a gamestop card, and it seems to be the best kept secret of the world as to what it actually does or if its actually worth getting

    anyone know?

  2. Policenaut

    Played for about 2 hours with it, figured I'd do a little write up for anyone who was curious.

    +Awesome range
    +Very small bloom on the first 7-12 shots fired
    +Cool red dot (it's the NC red dot)
    +Incredibly fast reload
    +pretty versatile choice of attachments

    -Poor rate of fire compared to the T1 Cycler
    -Will probably lose against a CQC gun often in close range, but I haven't tried it with soft point, so maybe not

    I can only make comparisons with the TR AR's, so if anyone else wants to chime in with their respective faction's AR's, go ahead. I'd say if you're really good with the T1 Cycler at long ranges, you may not care for this gun. Having said that, I ******* love it. As someone who has used the SABR-13 and NS-11A with foregrip/compensator on both, I would take the NS-11A every day of the week for long range fights. If you get the RF3 (or whatever they changed the name of it to) and the NS-11A, you'd be set for every type of fight.
    • Up x 1
  3. renegadeknight

    Was less accurate than VS weapons, but hit harder. Think it is pretty much mid range leaning into NC style.
  4. xpsyclosarinx

    Just bumping this thread because of how awesome this weapon is.

    It's my new fav :)

  5. Oranar

    tried the certable version, i think its the best medic gun IMO very easy to use so anybody should get kills with it, i thought if felt like an NC gun before all the nerfs!