NS Annhilator Sucks?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VibroKnife, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. VibroKnife

    WTF is with the NS Annhilator why is it so damn underpowered. Crap damage. Crap reload time. Crap lock on speed. wtf wtf wtf wtf I paid 8$ for it. 8 wasted dollars.
  2. Scudmungus

    VR Training?

    Try before buy?

    Read before buy?

    Ask other players before you buy?

    Watch YouTube videos before buy?

    o-o Buyers remorse?
  3. metrotw

    you paid for the annih? o_O
  4. GamerOS

    So there was this time when the Annihilator was like the Striker in most aspects outside of ammo count and damage per shot, and everyone was using it and everyone was complaining so it was nerfed to the death untill nobody had any reason to use it anymore.

    So NC and VS have gone back to relying on proper Flak based AA and Engi turrets/tanks for long range AT...

    And the TR switched to their Strikers, because the devs thought in their infinite wisdom that something that was OP when available to everyone would be balanced if only given to one faction..

    Anyway, as a responsible consumer you should learn from this, try before you buy and research the item in question so you don't find any sudden surprises.
  5. Regpuppy

    It's a decent group based rocket launcher. It at least has smarter guiding than the ground based launcher for. The G2G focused launcher is easily tricked into crashing into the ground when firing from a raised position on vehicles that move fast in a straight line. The annihilator seems to avoid this. The only thing that makes it semi-frustrating to use is the noticeably slower lock-on times.
  6. VibroKnife

    If it is indeeed completely worthless and the devs know it... why is it even in the game?
  7. Nexus2151

    The Annihilator is a squad based weapon not really meant to be used for solo work, there are unfortunately a few bugs with it such as it will sometimes misfire and jam however in the squad setting it is meant to be used in it is still a potent weapon.
    Best setup 3 medics 2 engis (running AV turrets) 7 heavy's on it's own this can overcome a 12-24 armour push with correct positioning.
  8. GamerOS

    Because it was great when they added it and can't just remove them and give everyone certs/SC back as it would be to much hassle.

    It's not completely worthless tough, in large groups it can be quite effective, tough never as effective as a similar sized group of strikers.
    Then again, if you get enough people together to make it effective you might as well get some burster MAX suits and some engineers with AT-Turrets...
  9. NC_agent00kevin

    IR Smoke


    Continue Driving

  10. MilitiaMan


    I just bought you and this is crazy!

    But here's my target, so lockon maybe?
    • Up x 1
  11. Vixxing

    Got one word for you: Striker! (or you can use skill!, its either or! Play TR or be skillfull! Cant do both!)
  12. ViXeN

    This.... Never buy anything without researching it first.