NOW is the TIME to ALT on another server. Double XP is Awesome!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by oberchingus, May 19, 2016.

  1. oberchingus

    Okay, so we all know Double XP is awesome, and you don't need to be told why. But, as someone who has alts on 4 servers, I thought I'd share some tips which I know new and veteran players alike may appreciate.

    A long while back, DBG changed the way players grind certs in the early stages of their career. As you progress in ranks, you get 100 certs with every level up to BR15. Once you hit BR15, you are given two choices:

    1. Continue with your cert allocations and you will never be interrupted again, except, if you're not a member, to Upgrade Now! or
    2. Receive a FULL CERT REFUND, allowing you to re-allocate your certs where you want to. This offers new players the chance to try new things like cert out different classes or explore different vehicles; and to more comfortably and more conveniently cert out equipment that aligns with their playstyle(s). 100 certs x 15 levels = 1500 certs.

    Here are 3 IMPORTANT points:

    • Supplementary certs are also refunded. So if you gain 1500 certs playing Medic or Engineer or blowing up vehicles and you take the refund, the full amount is refunded which for this example would be 3000 certs to be re-allocated.
    • If you think you could make double or triple that amount, given it takes about an hour of constant cert gain to reach BR15, you can always delete your alt, and start over as often as you like. It's not like that lost time is a huge deal anyway.
    • The Refund Screen WILL interrupt your gameplay when you cross BR15, no matter what you're doing, so if you need to think about your decision, don't be in a duel or in a competitive firefight. Be in a rep bus, or hacking a terminal. Do something passive, where being interrupted won't cost you a fight.
    A few more helpful tips in no particular order:

    • DBG has a sale on Boosts during Double XP. Use them.
    • Fisu has a wonderful certification website, to help you cert your vehicles and classes. Please use it and look no further.
    • If you're like me and you know how to make 1000 certs an hour, this should be a cakewalk.
    • If you're in the other demographic, and you don't have a certed tank to do it with or you lack the pilot/gunner to help you, or there simply aren't enough fights or enough pop to support the kinds of fights needed to yield that return; there are other ways to make almost, just as much.
    For instance:

    • A MAX rank Repair Sundy yields +60XP per tick with 2 XP boosts loaded, while in the most active fights. Meaning, if your bus is healing multiple vehicles, you cap at +60XP during double XP, during the most epic fights/farms. Do it with a squad and your leadership ribbons and repair ribbons addup too. Watch-out for Hornet ESFs or C4 Fairies. Do it with a friend and share the XP and firepower to fight back.
    • Speaking of Repair buses, keep in mind that if your proximity repair rank is not maxed, and you're at a fight with a bus that is, they will steal your repair points. If you see that happening, move to another group of vehicles, or consider pulling an Ammo sundy.
    • Ammo caps have recently been augmented, making Ammo sundies fun again!!! An ammo sundy which is also an AMS spawn point can yield lots of XP, especially if it's well covered, well defended and at a busy fight.
    • Gun for someone! Jump into an AV top gun, like a Halberd, Enforcer, Saron or Vulcan and be a gunner. The XP that comes off Assists is enormous.
    • If vehicles aren't your thing, play Medic or pocket Engineer (an Engi that follows around a MAX and repairs on the go) and keep your teammates alive and ammo'd up. Remember to stay in cover as much as possible so you don't waste time being dead or respawning over and over and over and over and over again. Revive Grenades cost 400 certs to unlock and are the bread and butter for many Medics. You could unlock that after BR4 if you didn't spend a thing.
    There are lots of options. For my Emerald and Connery NC alts, I unlocked the Titan AP with certs, not station cash. It took me a while, playing part-time, with a HEAT Vanny, and my harasser. I did the same last night when I made my Cobalt Alt. Meet OberCobaltingus. The Titan AP costs 875 certs, which I made in 10 minutes while gunning a Basi on a Vanny. I kid you not. Together we blew up a lot of vehicles, and I got the kill credit on some burning Liberators. That's a lot of XP when you're BR4. If it weren't for double XP, I wouldn't have my AP Vanny ready for the farm.

    According to PS2's website, you have till Sunday the 22nd (probably midnight) to make use of double XP for all players. I urge you to go visit some other servers to see how they do things and to see how you do in a fight against the elite players in your class. And if you're feeling particularly fresh, do it with stock vehicles.

    Finally: Popular belief states that stock weapons are terrible and that is simply not true. The Drake, Shredder and Basilisk, to name a few, are fantastic weapons, in the right hands.
  2. Eternaloptimist

    Yes indeed. Double xp for my medic and engie is just wild. My alts on my member account are always doing ok for certs but on my playing-around F2P account the gain is awesome. Reminds me slightly of the early days, when F2P got certs for logging in and so you could always expect to gain certs at a reasonable rate.

    I find ammo resupply and revives are the things that get me way more than other class abilities. And that is with them just being added I tend to play engie and medic as fighting classes with added skills, rather than primarily care bear support classes.