not enough noise about the NC max nerf

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Liewec123, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Messaiga

    We are restricted to Bio Labs and Towers. What about in small outposts or maybe any range past 10 meters? Don't say slugs cause those things are based primarily on luck, and only luck. So basically, what I see in your arguement, is that if we don't use our Max it is not OP, but if we do use it then it is?
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  2. MykeMichail

    I think you will.find that the average NC player has given up on opposing nerfs to the NC because it seems that despite vehement opposition and well reasoned debate against these nerfs, the devs simply go ahead with them anyway.

    The NC MAX is currently only at an advantage in a small number of situations, and that advantage gets further eroded with every patch. The CQC advantage is going to be so small at the cost of all ranged damaged.
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  3. YoXn

    Listen, NC max's are overpowered, they just do not shine at the moment because of ZOE, but once that gets nerfed
    we will go back to the NC scat days. I think the dev's are just preparing us. They have pre-emptively nerfing NC max's
    so that once ZOE gets to a level in which it is not overpowered (So far it is ******* OP) Max's will then be

    I think that is the baseline behind the whole NC nerf. If it is too much. Then we will just see NC max's buffed again. I
    understand why you could be angry, but just be patient.
  4. YoXn


    So the NC MAX is getting nerfed and it'll be on par with other MAXs in CQC, yet it still remains useless outside of CQC... OK...

    Special shout out to the whiners that made this happen, you continue to make this game worse and worse with your inability to look at things fairly and objectively.

    If this goes live, I quit.
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  6. OddChelsea

    "But close quarters is the only distance that matters for a max!" Meanwhile I see TR and VS maxes out in the open all the time. You're right that these constant nerfs are ruining the game. It's like they want all of the NC to quit.
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  7. Scientiarum

    No, until they nerf ZOE into complete and utter uselessness (which they are about to) the VS MAX is most definitely the best, mostly because of the ZOE, which is admittedly still unbalanced, but the AI weapons are also decent (the AV guns however are NOT). The worst overall however is the TR MAX if you believe all the statistics, and having used the TR MAX I have to say it sure feels under-powered to me (admittedly it was not extensive testing). The fracture is very nice though however and probably its only saving grace IMO (but that is just my opinion).
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  8. Serpent808

    Comparing the NC Hacksaw to the VS Nebula and TR Onslaught, is like comparing pineapples to steak instead of pineapples to pineapples. The Hacksaw is a low RPM weapon, the VS Nebula is a high RPM weapon, and the Onslaught is another high RPM weapon. Ya you're looking at all three in the same category because they have a high Time-To-Kill (TTK) stats for MAXs, to prove and support your point: NC Hacksaws are getting nerfed heavily, and you think it's unfair to NC players.

    The VS Nebula isn't OP as the the NC Hacksaw. With 5/5 ZOE, it just takes 1 bullet less to kill infantry without Nanoweave Armor. If 6 shots are required to kill any "Stock" infantry player, ZOE does it in 5 shots. This isn't including bullet deviation after the first shot aka spread... The VS Nebula shines because it puts out roughly 7 bullets out in 1 second with a 20% increase in damage. It is similar to the TR Onslaught which does the same job (8 bullets per second). You add 5/5 Lockdown to the TR Onslaught, the RPM jumps to the most, 12 rounds per second.

    The stopping power of the NC Hacksaw is a little different. It can One-Headshot-Kill (OHK) or One-Bodyshot-Kill (OBK) at very close range (1 to 10 m). This is done against infantry with 0/5 Nanoweave Armor at a rate of 3 bullets per second. The variants on the VS and TR side don't have this much stopping power to them if you make a comparsion of these weapons. I'm going to assume that the variants on the VS and TR side are the VS Blueshift, and TR Mercy. Both the VS Blueshift and TR Mercy have a no Diminishing-Damage Over Distance (DDOD).

    Personally, I could see the NC Hacksaw being balanced if it had a jamming mechanic in it. Keep the damage, but you couldn't go buck-wild and trigger-happy with it.
  9. shadowkhat

    this i can believe 100% soe's has proved time and time again they don't give 2 ***** about the game only release something totally Op get a ton of sales then nerf it. so expect the flamethrower to be rediculously OP for about 2-3 weeks then a massive nerf right on the heels of another rediculously OP weapon coming out. great business model... for D-bags
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  10. shadowkhat

    wow you are not a very bright one are you... only a stupid moron would consider a weapon that is only good 10m or less the best weapon in the game... the NC max..... decimator bait... just hang back 20m fire a deci collect points... nothing he can do to you.

    but then again your probly one of those idiodic players that sprint blindly alone around corners..... that would be my guess since you think the nc max is op
  11. Gadamlu

    no amount of crying, whining, or outrage will reverse, or stop intended nerfs to something in-game. what happend to the magrider should have told you this
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  12. Consumer

    I really don't care at the moment. I never used NC MAXes just as I never used shotguns. By now, I've probably played as a TR and VS MAX as much as I have with the NC's even after my faction alts came much later. I'm still waiting for the previously announced assortment of MAX weapons. Because really, when a TR MAX can kill infantry at 20m as quickly as an NC MAX kills at 5m but NC is highly restricted to close ranges and by ammunition, it takes an idiot or a desperate fool clasping onto imbalance to see some kind of balance.

    And they just need to bring in identical medium-range MAX weapons for the NC. That way the other two factions can really begin to understand how one-sided their misconstrued sense of MAX balance has become fact for them. It's quite unbelievable. Ideally, they just need to remove all shotguns from the game. Players only want it for the variety, but this game is living proof that it just causes more complaints (valid or not) and trouble than benefits. It's often ridiculous in its effective range and useless outside.

    I'm not going to accuse the developers of preferring one faction over another, because that's completely childish. If you're that kind of person who does that, you need to think about it, because that's a juvenile approach that led to ignorance in balancing in the first place. But really, with something so broken both in mechanics and public knowledge, I think the developers just need to come to a point where they give up with faction variety and make MAX weaponry, if not common pool, then very similar in function.
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  13. Kiddneey

    This VS MAX user disagrees with the NC MAX shotgun nerf. Please do not implement this change, it is unnecessary and unwanted.
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  14. DDShadow

    nc max shotgun DOES NOT NEED a nerf, what really needs to be nerfed more is strikers a (+8 second lock timer) and lockdown + fractures (revert the 180 degree lockdown position to 120 or less arc degree).
    The amount of dps a fracture can make is too freaking nasty it shoots faster then a falcon or even the nc's ravens which is just a horrible weapon to use for infantry and lack luster at best against tanks while on the fracture its like two shots from each fractures you're dead on your infantry or dead in 10 from fractures on the heavy tank.
    The fracture really needs a major recoil hit and dps hit if there's any thing to nerf
    lockdown mode is just fantastically bull crap because A) they can unlock from position and hide in 3 seconds B) 180 arc range mode
  15. TheQuaint

    I think what TR and VS players don't understand is while the scatterguns of the NC do have ridiculously high dps, every shot counts and missing a few can be the difference between life and death due to long reload time / small clip size etc. The TR and VS have fast firing, mid-accuracy AI weapons with a large clip size which can't be compared to NC AI weapons cos they aren't even the same category. It's like comparing an AK-47 to a Spas-12. While I do admit in CQC the NC MAX is very strong, it's not to the point of OPness and CQC is the only place where the NC MAX shines anyway. I thought the NC was supposed to be "hard hitting"? Please let us be "hard-hitting" in CQC at least.
  16. TheQuaint

    The reason the Hacksaw is being compared with the Nebula and the Onslaught is because they are the faction specific "fast fire rate" AI weapons. Yes the Hacksaw has a "low" rpm but that's because it's a shotgun while the Onslaught is a chaingun and the Nebula is a pew-pew gun. The main issue with the ZOE wasn't the damage btw, it was more of the movement speed though I don't really have a problem with ZOE. Point is, the Nebula and the Onslaught have almost equal CQC TTK to the Hacksaw except the Hacksaw is effectively a OHK with dual shotties while the Nebula and Onslaught is a short burst fire of roughly 1 second. What distresses the NC MAX players is the nerf won't just affect the Hacksaw, but rather every single NC MAX AI weapon like the Mattock and Grinder too. The Scatmax damage drop off is already crazy huge and removing more damage would make the NC MAX a yummy XP dessert with extra engi frosting. I hope you TR and VS guys can see where the NC come from and understand that this nerf would really be a step too far.
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  17. OldMaster80

    I do not care about what they nerf or buff. They just base their decisions on statistics and not on forum whining.
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  18. Goretzu

    They can't be.

    NC AI MAXs currently have the lowest K/D ratios going by the stats we can see on a week by week basis.

    This is before this next blanket nerf.
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  19. kyxash

    It is not OP , you can't pretend to survive the firepower of a max when its at 5 meters from the corner you just came from. And the same happens with your pretty glowing ZOE Max , letting you survive 1.5 seconds more but able to takedown easily 5 people past 20 meters just by spraying like mad with no reload , only thing it has 100 meters effective range instead of nc's 10.
  20. kyxash

    Dude , how can you say NC MAX is overpowered? Just because you get sometimes shredded by hacksaws/scats when you turn the corner , it doesn't mean it is overpowered. It's a goddamn shotgun , it is supposed to shred things from 1 to 10 meters and if it doesn't , it is useless . And you are basically saying that all shotguns are overpowered 'cause they do their job. Just letting you notice that TR and VS TTK is really close to NC's only thing is that if they don't miss shots they are less penalized , they have more range , they have more ammo , and don't need to reload OFTEN.