Not enjoying the game any more.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xXGenesisXx, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. xXGenesisXx

    It starts with Lib spam followed by tank spam and when we finally get to CQC its a freaking grenade spam . As infantry all you do is w8 around the corner for a moment when there seems to not be any grenade thrown to maybe get off few shots before you get rocket in your face or grenade .
    Its not fun any more .
    Lower the grenade damage and area of affect . Make the g2g rocket launchers lock on tanks, this iron sight thing is utter crap . Tanks just stand at max range and HE spam infantry to death while you need to figure out how the HELL do i hit that max ranged tank with my slow moving and unguided rocket and how the HELL do i make him not MOVE away !!!
    Increase the DAMAGE on the g2a missiles .... or at least make them hit the target from time to time a Scythe pilot i dodge this rockets as if they where not there ..... sometimes i wonder why the hell i even got the flares. Also increase the locking range to avoid the max range Lib farming .

    As the game is right now its really not fun . At first when a lot of people went infantry it was good ... but now every one is either in an ESF or tank ....... and when its finally infantry time its nade spam .
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  2. Przemogce

    Finally some ESF pilot that tells the truth !! i really do appreciate this :)
  3. xXGenesisXx

    The thing is i do enjoy playing the game as full . In a tank in an ESF and as infantry . I don't want the game to be one sided. And as the Lib goes i sometimes cant even reach them with my AA max while they safely bomb the #@$@#% out of everything.
  4. Tuco

    Well if we had the PS1 cloaking AMS you could spawn from an advantageous position instead of at an disadvantageous position.
  5. phungus420

    Most of the people who fly ESFs on here think G2A rockets are a joke. The "buff" this last patch was actually a huge nerf. That said AA MAXes and flak turrets are plenty affective. Skygaurd is also a joke, for that matter, but that's mostly because compared to the invisible AA MAX it is very underwhelming for it's costs.

    The thing is people complain about "air", but really the issue is the game mechanics which encourage rolling unapposed death balls (with subsequent spawn camping while the deathball sits around to get cap points), with no real incentive for deathballs to fight each other (or even be on the same continent). There would be no difference if people ended up constantly dealing with Lib, Tank, or Grenade Spam, it's just the current metagame. People who complain about air power are confusing a symptom with the real problem, and trying to get poorly thought out (and often counterproductive, see recent G2A missile "buff" from the last patch) changes.
  6. Przemogce

    you should check the AA Hawk. meaby only once a day a liberator happens to be in aa hawk range what doesnt mean that if you already manage to shot rocket that it will hit the target. all Libs need to do is to fly 501m and above to avoid being targeted/locked.
    The funniest thing is that now aa hawk is so slow that even galaxy can outrange rockets.
  7. CrossFire

    make technics' cooldown 30 min pls
  8. Alexandurrr

    You're complaining about spam on a game designed for MASSIVE SCALE WARFARE...
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  9. xXGenesisXx

    I am complaining that infantry and actual gun/rockets shooting has very very low impact in this game . They should as was said above increase the time between vehicle spawns and buff infantry vs Air/Tanks . Nerf grenades Dam/Aoe so they be useful but not abused, as it is now you see a lot of suicide people who just rush in throw a nade and die getting 2/3 kills spawn and do it again .
  10. Lucidius134

    Nade spam was non-existant in beta. I played on launch day, there were literally walls of nades in Bio-Labs and tech plants.

    Blame the pubbies being skill-less spammers.
  11. 13lackCats

    Perha[s you should stay away from places that are "spam zones"
  12. xXGenesisXx

    So just wait aside ? Or maybe go cap ghost towns ? No thanks that's not why i play this game.
  13. Xandax

    Flack turrets are still vastly underwhelming and not really effective for anything other than making the airplane fly off after it killed the turret to repair.
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  14. Cembrye

    The problem is that is what is exactly happening. No one sticks around to fight the Balls O' Death - they bail to another continent or find out where their own zerg is and join it for the "fun" of capping undefended bases.

    Great fun for people who think this is not about fun fights but farming certs. All the advice on how to handle the current situation seems to boil down to "become like me - a selfish cert farmer."
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  15. xXGenesisXx

    Also they are to accessible to tank/rocket fire . They are destroyed within seconds of the attack start ... and then its only maxes . It takes forever to repair a turret while being open to tank/sniper/rocket fire and 5-10 sec to destroy it again.
  16. Eli

    Yeah, but no. Spam zones are actually everywhere. It's like saying "infantry is useless so you shouldn't be playing as infantry", that's not how you solve the problem.
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  17. Figment

    Blame the game creating skill-less spammers by making it not only possible by setting the stage (environment context, flow, layout, space design, lack of AoE protective cover, easily campable choke points at spawns), but also attractive (+100 per fresh spawn + kill streak bonii etc) and effective (large AoE, high damage even One Hit Kills). And then to top it off, ammo packs instead of a limited inventory count.

    Don't blame people that know how to utilise and exploit overpowered equipment (overpowered in the sense of "so effective it's lame and obsoletes other varieties of game play"). Blame designers for not seeing it coming despite of the huge arrow sign next to it that says "SPAM MY EASYMODE HERE FOR MASSIVE FARM".

    Ironic how then those people will go and blame the victims with L2P arguments too.

    Btw. Click my sig.
  18. {joer

    About the only part of that I agree with is the grenade spam, and its more from MY side either throwing grenades when I'm trying to flank and TKing or due to the horrible throw mechanics having the grenade bounce back in their faces and tking us. I've done that a few times myself since the throw grenade button seems more like a suggestion then a command ;)
  19. Tuco

    Hey hey now. I resemble that.

    It's not like we can do anything else, like play defense with a PS1 AMS, PS1 mines, PS1 spitifres, PS1 motion detectors.
  20. Skillet

    If the current trend continues this game will eventually be forgotten because of the lack of infantry. It is truly headed towards an Airside/Tankside dominated game, in fact it might already be there. I only play infantry myself (since early Aug Beta), LA, which I love and an occasional AA Max.

    I've noticed that big infantry fights have really diminished, pretty much so with each game patch. And if the populations continue to wane they'll become harder and harder to find. I know if I leave this game I won't come back, but thats just me. In the meantime I'm still having lots of fun, I don't get killed much by grenades and I think faction infantry weapons are fairly balanced for the most part.

    But I would suggest that infantry be less vulnerable to ESF rocket pods, In the same manner that Infantry is less vulnerable to AA Max.
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