Yes, yes, yes, we don't post the names of cheaters - what about the names of those who accuse us of cheating? When there's video, even? Today, in what may become a semi-regular series, I give you the N00b of the Day, DIANA149TR. Pulled up under me on a flash, and stopped moving. And just sat there. Headshot, he/she dies, then I get the 'YOU'RE REPORTED' message. Kids, it's important to learn the game before you go accusing people of things - you never know who might be recording *everything*.
you can use backspace to reply to tells not supposed to name people directly in these forums, you'll get s spanking if someone reports you. Make a montage or discord channel for rage tells if you're still amused by them
I usually just right-click on them to talk to them. Mods can take it down if it's a violation - I thought it was naming names as far as cheaters goes - I've seen a lot of other player names used in the forums - lists of players in squads, players who are a certain class, leaderboards, etc. If naming someone who accused me of cheating is a problem, they can let me know. Better this way than wait and see if I get banned over some b00b getting his friends to report me - I'd rather have some video evidence posted.
Players can send messages like that to vent when they get outskilled so it's inappropiate to take the /tell literally. Do notice the usage of capitalized letters which tries to convey an "I am angry" message. On the far side of the spectrum there are players who would log off or throw their gaming equipment around. Personally I sometimes swear and/or slam the mouse into the mousepad when killed at game-deciding moments.
yeah while most people send occasional rage tells, some people can be a bit dark. I used to think getting the tons of rage tells I got was funny and I would send them friend requests and just be nice to them which infuriated some even more or just got some to ignore me. Even made some rage channels because I was getting quite a few each day. However I would get death threats, people who would make alts to tk, and a dude even sent me death threats and insults for playing heavy each day for over a week at regular 30-60s intervals. Decided the best thing is to just keep tells on auto-decline. I also put my friend requests on auto decline because some people use this to track you when you're on and tk. I think it's the best thing to for everyone who sends me rage and myself as well.
Weird. I report only harassement (TK on purpose, but that's a rare event) and anyway without /tell. Seems more a knee-jerk/rage-quit reaction to me.