Non-member queue > member queue

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SirJMD, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. SirJMD

    Tell me SOE, why am I paying for membership? :) This must be a bug, which of course you will look into, right? :)

    EDIT: Title should have said "better" not "larger than".
  2. CzechErface

    Umm, what is the issue? If 200 non-members try and transfer, you will move to the front of the line behind members that have already queued up...soooooo not sure what you want done...
  3. blackboemmel

    yes, where is your problem?
  4. SirJMD

    Problem is that I'm in queue for members, while there isn't anyone in queue in the non-member queue.
  5. Hosp

    Could be that the cont is full and you still gotta wait? Not sure, just saying. But hey, you're at the front of the line.
  6. hihihilolHI

    Anyone else notice the continent control percentage? :p
  7. frankhammer

    That's what it looks like to me
    Looks like someone was in a rush to get their Alert certs :p
  8. Darkshadows120

    The Content is probably full.
    And holy **** your internet speed ... GIMME YOUR SPEEDS!!!!!!!!
  9. CzechErface

    Both non-members and members are in the same queue. Just because they show a breakdown doesn't mean there are two. Once again, what is the problem?

    I guess I should clarify since you don't get it. The member queue must have 0 players in it before non-members are serviced.