Non-illuminated skull masks do not take camo color, illuminated does - confirm?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SenorBeef, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. SenorBeef

    I found another thread where a person says that the faction-specific colored parts of the illuminated skull helmets take on the pattern of the camo you're wearing - which I can confirm - but he also said that if you get the non-illuminated version, say the militant's skull mask for the TR light - it retains it's red and black coloring and doesn't take on the pattern of your camo coloring.

    Can anyone confirm that this is true? I need to decide tonight which helmets I'm going to buy and that's a significant difference.
  2. Goodnight

    yes illuminated skulls take camo but not on the stripe in the middle dividing the eyes. and yes what your buddy said is also true
  3. SenorBeef

    Yeah, to be clear - I know the illuminated one takes on the pattern of the camo. But what I want to confirm is that the non-illuminated one (militant skull mask for the light) does not - it stays red and black regardless of your camo.
  4. Wrenuld

    I have the non-illuminated skull mask on my NC heavy and it's taking on the pattern of the camo.

    It DOES take on the pattern just like the illuminated one.
  5. SenorBeef

    You're talking about the militant mask? I assume that's what it's called on different factions.
  6. SenorBeef

    Sorry, can I get one more person to weigh in? I now have one person that says yes, one that says no, and I'm gonna make purchases by midnight for the sale so it'd be good to know.
  7. Wrenuld

    I think I'm talking about the militant mask. I'm using the non-illuminated rebel's skull mask, I'm not exactly sure what it's called but it's one of two masks with blue stripes down the side.

    I bought the cheaper non-illuminated one (Which I assume is the equivalent of the militant mask) and it is taking on the camo of my choice.

    I'm sorry if this is too late.
  8. SenorBeef

    Yeah, I can confirm that the militant mask will take on whatever camo is applied unfortunately - I think it looks best in the plain black and red but I don't like wearing plain armor.