Nobody plays TR Engi

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Schwak, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Schwak

    I don't know what it is but nobody plays engi on Emerald TR. Can never find ammo, and can never get reps the one time I decide to pull a MAX. It'll be a 48+ biolab fight and there are no engis. What gives?.. Is it the guns or what?
  2. Vertabrae

    I mainly play Engi. I'm always dropping ammo. I also see a fair number of engi's around. It's medics I can never find.
  3. Iridar51

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  4. Tommyp2006

    "Nobody Plays Engineer"


    I never have any issue finding support as engineer, sometimes when I play max, but that's usually engineers not repairing, not that they aren't there.
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  5. RobotNinja

    If you're pulling a MAX in a biolab and there are no engis probably shouldn't be pulling a MAX.
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  6. Tommyp2006

    Fixed, meant to say as TR, thanks to 30 min edit timer couldn't change it. I want to add too, I have a harder time finding support when I play my alt characters, particularly medics on VS, seem to find a larger number of heavies than necessary on VS, and a lack of medics. Engineer support seems to be hit or miss.
  7. Captain Kid

    no ****. was defending a base against 60% pop, big 48+ fight.
    And I was spamming sensor darts because I believe it is an extremely powerful tool for defending a base.

    For 10 minutes there was not 1 ammo pack in the whole base!
    Expect for one in the spawn room..

    DROP ammo!! A Heavy Assault with access to an ammo pack becomes ten times as effective because he can spam away rockets to his heart content. Same goes for Max units.

    Defending a base against a larger force is one of the few goals/points this game has, work together as a team to accomplish this.
    (to bad most of the time the base gets shelled from all directions so not much to do then play cards in the spawn room but that is a different matter)

    I play a lot of Engineer myself because it's a versatile class with relatively a lot of options. Sticky grenades, spam smoke, repair, drop ammo packs and mines. (way to little still if you ask me, I want my combat engineering!) Also an ideal driver and gunner.
  8. Hibiki54

    You will always find a TR engineer in their Prowler or Banshee Mosquito. Just don't expect them to get out of it.
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  9. SeanFree

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  10. InoxGecko

    People who do play engies usually forget that they have a repair tool with them. Picture this, group of anchored prowlers firing at a crapload of Magriders and sundies coming from Indar excavation...prowlers get bombed to hell and back because no engies repairing us.

    Such is the life of a tanker in the TR.
  11. DJStacy

    I mainly play engineer and have a a rep for being a rather good one.


    I prefer the Carbines to the LMG's and only have 250 kills with the Couger and the Trac 5 to Auraxium every TR Carbine, so there is nothing wrong with the TR carbines in my view.

    Engi's get the most toys and if you know what your doing you can combine deployables with your utility pouch making them rather effective.
  12. DJPenguin

    It's even more annoying being an enemy light assault behind enemy lines and unable to find a single damn ammo pack.
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  13. Prudentia

    The effectiveness of a Light assault is the same as the skill of enemy Engies :cool:
  14. WyrdHarper

    I have 40 days as (TR on live) engineer.
  15. eldarfalcongravtank

    i think that statistic itself is imprecise because it does not differentiate between a support engineer (who repairs maxes and provides ammo) and a vehicle crew engineer (who usually operates a vehicle in the open battlefield and only hops out to repair it)

    i dont doubt your supporting skills in any way, no offense mane. all i am saying is one has to be careful with this stat above since a guy playing nothing but engineer sitting in his vehicle all day may look like he is 'supporting' his team by playing engineer which might not be the case
  16. WyrdHarper

    Actually, to be less snarky, I HAVE noticed fewer engineers around recently, even in my own outfit. Used to be there'd always be quite a few, but many times I'm now be the only one throwing around reps and ammo. Not sure what it is. Could be that everyone's in farm mode, and it's not the best class (support, not driver) for it. Could be that with the medic update (and the spectacular TORQ), support players are playing medic more. Could also be that it's a very resource-intensive class, and continent-locking can make resources hard to get, especially when we're low on territory.
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  17. Tersur

    Ill be honest why I dont play engi. Maxes. I play the game to get kills. Im more than happy to keep ammo down I need it too. But ppl expect you to drop everything your doing if they pulled a max to keep there killstreak going. After a few sessions of max pilots getting crabby about it and makeing comments about how if I was gona bother yo pull engi bla blah. Well i pull heavy now.
  18. DrPapaPenguin

    Well, I just bought the Lynx, so I have to play engi, as it's too ammo-hungry for my LA :p
  19. DK22

    I play TR Eng all the time, just not 48+ fights, but sometimes.
    frame rates suck for one.
    and half the time people run away from the ammo I throw down, even thou they r calling for it.
    I'm not a baby sitter u know. check your mini-map.
  20. Schwak

    I'm in SVO and we do manage squad comp but still, you'd think out of 20-30 dudes at least a couple would main engi. The hardest problem is our carbines are pretty much all SMGs apart from the T5 AMC and engi doesn't have a defensive feature of any sort. Sure you get an AI turret which you frequently get sniped off of but medic/heavy get a defensive buff, light assault has a mobility buff, and infil gets their stealth cloak. Engi is just someone that gets mowed down when push comes to shove.
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