Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zica96, Jul 17, 2014.

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  1. Wafflepancake

    If you do it in game, you can only activate it once.
    Do it on the website and you can unlock it for every character by entering it multiple times :D

    sorry soe :( I'll go spend more money on my vehicle swag.
  2. Pacster

    Is your ISP responsible for the power supply? No. So it ain't their fault. Was SOE responsible for renewing their licenses? Yeah. It's always a question of how much it is the companies fault...
  3. Pacster

    WTF?? Where was that announced? I didn't see ANYTHING on the german launcher....
  4. IamNotYourGoose

    This isn't new, members recieve double XP weekends once every month. On the 4th of july there was a double xp weekend for everyone. Your little cry rant is amusing.
    • Up x 1
  5. volth

    200 certs for 2 weeks downtime lol.

    Should have been 1000 certs compensation.
  6. LordTankT9

    I had to watch Wrel video on YouTube to hear it myself, SOE is worse on communicating with their community then lonely hermit on a remote island in the ocean..
  7. Pacster

    Yeah, even worse if you have been a Prosieben-Customer. Really odd that you need a thread like this...I bet 50% of the players will never hear about it.
  8. LordTankT9

    It's worse - 90% will never hear about, last week I saw only 2 guys running with this gift gun. Usually when people know about such free stuff - almost everyone runs with it.
  9. Wyll

    First rule about Free Stuff Club is not to ask about free stuff.
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  10. AshHill07

  11. MorganM

    As they should! Get the heck out of here you self entitled leech. They owe you NOTHING because you have paid them NOTHING . They already gave you something for free... THE ENTIRE GAME! Which by the way has a higher monthly cost to keep running than you'll make in your entire life time.

    You are precisely what's wrong with this world today.

    Oh and you do get an XP bonus... log into an under populated faction or go to a continent you are greatly out numbered on. Bam... free boost.

    Squad up with people who ARE paying members or using squad boosts... bam free boost.

    Other peoples kids... I tell ya...
  12. Halo572


    noun \-ˈtī-təl-mənt\

    : the feeling or belief that you deserve to be given something (such as special privileges)

    What a very relevant First World word and definition and this thread is the perfect working model.

    Anyone who drops £75 a year on any title - I won't bring the worth of doing so on PS2 to dilute my post - deserves anything they are given.

    The average I pay for a game is around £5 and that gets me 20+ hours of entertainment, so that is 15 games for me.

    Anyone who drops nothing or maybe the odd £3 and makes a noise that they are hard done by maybe wants to go look in the mirror for an appreciable amount of time.
  13. DG-MOD-02

    I am going to close this thread now. Please keep posts constrictive and respectful on these forums.
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