No Punishment for death?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blenderson, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. PieBringer

    You think there should be MORE of a delay for respawning right next to where you died?

    How about not requiring me to go through a loading screen to respawn less than a foot from where I died. Nothing has changed, it's not a whole new world to render.
  2. Jourmand1r

    Only if I can be a Wisp while i run to my body.
  3. Jourmand1r

    Why abandon the way things were done in Planetside 1?

    Because (although it was a good game) it was a failure.
  4. Scorponok

    why 30sec it should be a god damn 2min timer...give people a reason to stay alive and stop running into the open like a fool.And it would also give Snipers a reason to be fearede, Same for tanks and ESFs with rocketpods..right now people just run around and totally ignores it and laugh at it.
  5. Sevrid

    I think having to run back to the battle is punishment enough
  6. Jourmand1r

    A big part of the fun in PS2 is the big giant high octane battles.

    I can't understand why people keep complaining about battles "taking too long".

    If you want 5 minute captures you shouldnt be playing an MMO.
  7. Arsinek

    Ya, I dont want to wait 30 seconds after I die to respawn. Youre trying to address a much bigger problem that doesnt have anything to do with respawn times. This game was built to be like COD/BF changing spawn times isnt going to change that.
  8. Smokeydubbs

    If it was such a failure, why are the servers still up? SOE isn't above of shutting down servers (SWG, Matrix Online). Granted, both those games had rights issues most likely associated with them, but the fact remains they were shut down. The core of PS1 wasn't what failed it. It was the introduction of solo friendly gameplay. PS2 in comparison, is all solo friendly gameplay.

    What's the difference between a single person spawning a tank, being able to drive and gun it, to a pre-nerf BFR? BFR's had versatility, mobility, and excelled in many of the roles. But they were huge targets. While there were a lot of them, they still got focused. Tanks in this game are not as mobile. But depending on the loadout(versatility), one person can drive, man the main turret, and fend off air/infantry just by pushing F2. And these tanks are given to every single player right off the bat.

    To me, they seem to be repeating the failure, not replicating the greatness.

    EDIT: Also the game didn't get the subscription numbers because of something I left out. PS1 came out mid 2003. The game did great during that time. WoW came out late 2004. Most MMO's out during that time saw massive dips in their customer base and PS1 was in that group.
  9. StrangerDanger

    It is a valid argument. The game your looking for, this isnt it. You want a harsh death penalty game that forces skilled small group work? Go play all the other FPS games.

    Planetside has always been an arcade shooter. The fun is in the mayhem, and as a PL player you can always be in that action quickly.

    Death is quick, kills are quick, spawns are quick, teleporting into the action in quick, camping spawns is acceptable and a major focus of gameplay. This is planetside. Dont like it? Go play another FPS.
  10. Jourmand1r

    You remind me of the WoW players who say Blizzard killed wow by making it solo friendly.

    I can't think of a better way to kill a game than to quadruple the playerbase.

    What killed planetside 1 was the ludicrously high system requirements, mediocre, poor performance engine, and the fact that pc gaming just wasnt ready for a game on that scale.

    Planetside 2 is getting bigger, and is one of the most popular FPS games out right now. SoE is doing something right.
  11. Jourmand1r

    Planetside 1 was more like a MMORPG with guns than an Arcade Shooter.
  12. PoopMaster

    There's no punishment because players would whine if there was.
  13. Blenderson

    I didn't suggest a flat increase to spawn times to 30 seconds. Note that both BF and most of the COD gamemodes punish death, with tickets etc. Also in Battlefield you couldn't spawn directly onto a point you were attacking, so there was at the very least the 20 - 30 second time it took to get to the base to attack it that acted as a deterrent to dying.

    By the way, I have no problem with large infantry v infantry fights, just I would like there to be some satisfaction when you kill someone because you actively helped the team, rather than knowing that they will respawn nearly instantly back into the action as though you never killed them. Similarly when you revive someone it would be nice to think that you did something more than shave about 2 seconds off the amount of time it took for them to rejoin the battle.
  14. Smokeydubbs

    The difference between Planetside and WoW is that you can play WoW without ever talking to another player and still get max level. Even in the early days of it. That's how that's game PvE/quest system worked. PS on the other hand relies on teamwork to accomplish the only goal the game has, conquest. PS2, as it stands, is a glorified deathmatch. There really is no reason to take bases other than goading out fights. A handful of kills nets you the same amount of XP as a base cap.

    SOE is doing it right to have a shallow F2P game that cycles through players like Sprint cycles through entry level workers. It'll make them money. But if only they took steps to reintroduce some of PS1's gameplay, this could be one of the best games ever.

    But your right, the system requirements did hurt that game. But "ludicrously high system requirements, mediocre, poor performance engine" can also apply to this game. The PC world is ready for it this time though, but the game engine is making it harder to accept.
  15. Jourmand1r

    Why are you so worried about how much xp you get?

    Shouldn't you be worried about winning?

    Also I agree, the world is ready for Planetside 2. But the world also wants CoD/BF style games. Compromise.
  16. Arsinek

    Mmmm, MMORPG with guns, where are you so I can play you.
  17. Smokeydubbs

    What's there to win? Is winning massing more people than the other side and thoughtlessly plowing to the other warpgates?

    I'm playing devils advocate on this point. But most people only want XP and certs. I take pride in taking bases and holding them. The zerg takes pride in certs per hour.
  18. Marinealver

    The last game means that if you die too frequently your spawn time goes up.

    Also bases had less spawn time then AMS.

    But yeah it is ment too keep the defenders from having too much of an advantage (as if that exist) by people just using the AMS to complete the human wave attack.
  19. Freyar

    It's fine as it is. Your spawn timer does go up if you die a lot in a short period of time, but it just isn't as bad as PS1 was. 30 seconds was the longest spawn timer there was (if I recall) and it really interrupted flow. This was especially true late-game in PS1 when latency made it impossible to play.
  20. Warruz

    WW2 would like to have a word with you