Currently the system grants a 'Kill' to opponents that last damage your aircraft if you eject and then die on ground impact, there should not be a 'Kill' given since the attacker didn't kill you, it should be recorded as a suicide.
Nah, you need kills for AA directives. just because you bailed because you were getting spanked by a skyguard, and subsequently became a modern art piece displayed on a rock, doesnt mean the skyguard didnt kill you.
This system was created specifically to combat aircraft bailers. The death is caused not by suicide, but by the direct interaction of the opponent. The system also counts anyone logging out while airborne after bailing as a death, if you remove this we get new copycat Daddy players who will bail and log out/suicide rather than give their opponent a kill credit and additionally reducing the impact on their aircraft stats. So why dont we keep that system in? And while we are at it give assistance credit to players for kills rather than just the vehicle? And make base assistance XP count towards directives? Its simple: you get 90% of an assist kill, you get 90% towards 1 kill for a directive. You get 50% assist on a Lib with 3 players? That is 2 full kills counting to your directives. That reduces the amount of need for killstealing to get directives and rewards people more for supporting one another.
IMO - you should be prevented from ejecting at speed if the aircraft is at less than 5% health. AA game is unrewarding enough without being denied kills due to last minute twitch bailers.
Same thing happens with infantry. You shoot someone and damage them and they subsequently die from fall damage within a short time you'll get kill credit.