No fights during primetime...crisis mode reached

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dis, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. JohnnyMaverik

    Miller hasn't been so bad but you still see people zerging (obviously), they encounter some resistance (me in a Mag with a naively determined look on my face for a start) but by 1am at least two of the continents will have flipped again and the last faction goes home sad for the night because the zerg switch over and deny the final flip, same every day.

    Really think they need to find a way of making continent flips rarer (as in once a week, would be a good start) and in so doing making people go "oh **** we need to defend that one or *insert your most hated enemy here* are going to be laughing" and not "eh... looks like we're taking Indar today, bye bye Amerish".

    Admittedly on Miller you still get some days where it all ends in a bloody stalemate, but they're getting less and less frequent. I think this week is the first I haven't seen it 33% across all 3 factions by peak (NC were down to 31 today for example, with Vanu up to 34 and TR riding the lofty heights of 35, so still pretty balanced but slipping).

    Side note: Remember in BETA (yes I miss it too), before they added continent owning you very, very rarely saw one side dominate an entire map, sometimes they'd get close but rarely actually hold every single point. Not sure why, just an observation.
  2. iGamer1990

    game just launched and people already giving up on it because things dont go there ''way'' ima just wait it out im in this for the long run i still think planetside 2 has alot of potential in my eyes
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  3. KorJax

    I can't believe the OP seriously made a thread about this

    Because we all know that wednesday night is "prime time" and we all know that in every game out there the servers are maxed out right after a large (2.8GB+) patch, when nobody can get on except those who have been playing all day already and have fast connections

    You also forget for 90% of all universities in the US (prime region demographic for Matterson), it is currently finals week, and most students generally aren't playing tons of games during this time.

    Threads like this are what make the offical PS2 forums a big joke to everyone else lol
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  4. Mietz

    I need to start playing on US servers soon, I have an "odd" work-cycle (shifts) where i work late in the evening, then play late at night and get up at ~1pm.

    From midnight onwards there isn't anything going on EU server wise. Like seriously theres maybe 20 people per continent.
  5. Belphan

    The funny thing is, my favorite thing is the tanks, and even thats screwed.

    Assuming my tank didnt fall through the ground when it spawned, I can only spawn a couple before I run out of resources. If my team is the low population team and doesnt control much territory I dont have enough resources coming in to spawn tanks. Since I seem to totally suck at playing infantry I dont even try doing that anymore.

    So I login, lose a couple tanks, and then logout since I dont have any more resources to get more tanks. The resource thing is a terrible idea. It punishes the losing/low population side. Thats the exact opposite of what you need to do. The losing side needs extra resources to try and make a comeback.
  6. FelixG

    Cool your jets boyo!

    It is a patch day, in the middle of FINALS WEEK!

    a good number of the college folk who play around here are probably studying and crying
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  7. Vashyo

    They need to do something to this stacking, fights are non-existent unless you're willing to do 1vs5 situations.
  8. Arsinek

    You mean people arnt lining up to play a game with no point? Shocking.
  9. Envenom

  10. Nonesuch

    I'm excited for 5-10 years of these posts. I remember Planetside 1.
  11. ReaperLSW

    I wonder what the excuses will be once finals are done and pop is still bad.
  12. Nonesuch

    Population is fine, you're never going to sustain release population and if the worst comes to the worst they'll merge some servers. Right now on Miller though, I just went 40-5 farming swarms of infantry coming out from a sundy and having alot of big air battles over esamir, things are going fine.
  13. ReaperLSW

    There is no reason for there to be so many servers.
  14. Durron

    Very few games have a "point". The problem is that SOE made the classic launch week mistake of expanding with too many servers. Queues are better than empty servers. All MMOs bleed players.

    This game will be fine. In my 10 years of MMO experience, I have yet to play one where the forum prophets don't predict the end is near. The only one that came close to being right was SWtOR....which makes this game look like the most complete game ever released.
  15. Sexx

    Your excitement excites me.
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  16. Xylogenesis

    O rly? How has LoL done at "sustaining release population"? How about WoW?

    Most successful games start big and get bigger. Every once in a while a successful game even starts small and gets bigger. PS2 started small, and IMMEDIATELY started getting smaller. It took less than a month for the average pop to drop nearly 50%.

    Pull your head out of the sand. The fact that people prophesy the coming end in a lot of games doesn't mean that they aren't completely right in this case. There is no element of the puzzle that is missing here...we know that the numbers are dropping sharply and we know WHY. At this point you'd have to be deluded to think PS2 is going to be a success.
  17. Nonesuch

    I'm not going to retread these arguments from 2004
  18. Gavyne

    Population is indeed fine, on Genudine which is a "medium" server, there are fights at different locations on the scale of 100 vs 100, 75 vs 50, 80 vs 100, etc.. Yes I counted last night when 3 different fights broke out, one at the Allatum bio labs, one at the crossroads watchtower, and one at the amp station all at the same time. I was wondering what in the world happened to NC which was getting outnumbered by VS, so I took a few mins doing a /who count at the 3 battle locations. NC was spread out in 3 different battles, at the crossroads we had 75 people, at allatum bio labs we had 100, and the other roughly 80.

    I then hopped on a VS character, not for spying purposes, but to check population numbers, they outnumbered NC at every location by about 1.5x. The population is there, people just don't always fight at the same spots. Now I can't speak for other servers, because some servers have severe pop imbalance. Genudine at least is a pretty fairly balanced west coast server with all factions pulling in at a couple % differences from each other.

    Right now though, I can honestly say I've been downloading the patch for 1 hour, and it's my prime time. It's only at 78.8%, and I know it's not my cable that's slow. If it's taking this long for me, being on the west coast living not too far from san diego where SOE Is, I know it's probably taking longer for others. So it's not bs when people say it's patch night, many are still downloading the patch.
  19. Xylogenesis

    You guys really don't get it. You think a game on this scale, with these dev costs, is sustainable with a few thousand players?

    That's ridiculous.

    Get ready for "maintenance mode" starting in a couple months.
  20. Belphan

    The list of MMOs that have failed early is longer than the list of MMOs that have lasted a few years.

    This game has a terrible new player experience. That alone is enough to kill some games. I love this game but I think the new player experience has permanently damaged its reputation on all the other forums. I hope it can survive that. We shall see.

    Ive got a paid sub and have made 2 $50 cash purchases fwiw so its not like im wanting it to fail. Maybe the cash from release will let them add a tutorial or something.