No ESSR :c

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ComradeHavoc, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. ComradeHavoc

    So no essr this patch awwwwwww, so we have to wait another week.
    Also.... what's the point of the NS sniper?
  2. EmmettLBrown

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  3. ComradeHavoc

    Couldn't they just make gold variants of the SR... at this point they might as well make an NS faction.
  4. Pikachu

    Did you not see the tweet thing someone posted 1-2 days ago? :confused:
  5. RomulusX

    Good! Gives me more time to grind out 1000 certs!
  6. Kn4ck3br0d37

    If it works like it did last time I checked on PTS then it's basically a scout rifle that all classes can equip. Seems like it could be nice on a LA getting to high places.

    Maybe they made it infil specific though. If they did then it has no point. It's more or less a stat clone of the current semi-auto scout rifle.
  7. NinjaTurtle

    I assume they have delayed a week whilst they nerf the NC rifle and test an alternative because of all the crying on the forums over the past couple of days

    Well if so my estimate of 2 weeks before it got nerfed was well off... it never even got the chance on live :eek:
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  8. Rift23

    Seriously, though, why do we need more sniper rifles? Give us tripods, antitank rifles (weak like crossbow if need be) and rangefinders that tell us how much to compensate for the bullet drop and then you can have my money, SOE.
  9. FieldMarshall

    Im guessing they have to balance/change the SRs before they go live.
    But not too much. Just to the point where you spend SC on OP new fotm, to have ot nerfed in 3 weeks.