[BUG] No Certs From Mission Rewards Claimed While in VR

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TripSin, Jan 3, 2022.

  1. TripSin

    Video evidence can be seen here:

    At the start of the video you can notice that I have 6,145 certs and then at the end of the video, even after claiming two missions that should've given me 2500 exp total, I still have 6,145 certs. Unfortunately, in this recording (from nvidia's geforce replay feature) I didn't check to see if my exp itself raised or if I got the 125 A7 from "Bounty Hunter". It does look like I did get the 100 campaign points through from "Competitive Advantage". When I left the VR zone, I still never received any additional certs, but unfortunately this isn't shown in the video either.

    I guess I could try claiming a mission again in VR to fully capture everything and also see if it is reproducible but honestly I just don't care enough and would rather not lose any more certs :p