no 50%

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Tito, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Tito

    [IMG][IMG][/IMG]50 % its remove soe 24 hour you got if you not fixed time to cancel member
  2. Kirppu1

    And the problem?
  3. MichaelS

    Is that the Cert bonus for members is gone.
  4. Akuzimo

    Not only that, but apparently the xp multiplier is broken too. You know, cause that's what I pay for.
  5. Onhil

    I have the same problem aswell. I hope they manage to fix it as fast as they can because this is unacceptable
  6. MikeC0bretti

    Here we go again !! . Auraxium with 6 % XP boost. OMG. Pls fix asap !
  7. volth

    Yea same here :/
    Im a araxium member with no member benefits great...
    I think the resource bonus is broken too. It say I get all bonus but I dont got it.
  8. MichaelS

    This would have been such a fine gaming (Holy)day tomorrow :(
  9. volth

    Its still is a fine gaming day, but without membership xp its just a good day not a great one :)
  10. LibertyRevolution

    Fix this now...

    Patch has been live for hours, this is totally unacceptable that it is not fixed yet.
    Also unacceptable that there is no headline on the forum start page acknowledging the issue.

    I don't reddit or twitter, so how about you reply on your official forums.
    • Up x 2
  11. Scorponok

    yea, same no xp...not trying to make any uproar of it...but when you pay for a product and its not there..
  12. Mellsiphent

    and why should i pay for a membership when it seems that ps2 still a beta. Half the time i can not even use the key bindings for my joystick or throttle control. everything worked fine till the update then everything broke well i do not pay money for broken games and i should get a refund personally as i have payed a lot in station cash to buy so many items befog you set up to vr training soe gave no compensation for those of us who paid usd for station cash so we could equipped all our soldiers with the same weapon
  13. LibertyRevolution

    My membership ends on 10/3 (tomorrow), it is taking all I can to not rage out on the forums right now..
    By the time they get it fixed, I won't have the XP bonus anyways.. good way to end a year of paying for this trash game.

    The game is basically unplayable anyways with the hitching I have now in infantry play, that I never had until this patch.
    The hit reg is still garbage as I fired my entire MSW-R at this guy from 20m and he didn't die, got about 20 hit markers..
    I had a VS with a beamer out shoot my T1B (3 shot burst AR) from like 50m, yeah like that should EVER happen..

    Now this new alert type, hunt for pumpkins..
    Emerald NC actually just won an alert, because for once they don't even need to kill people or take land to win..
    190 somethings pumpkins, with 18% the territory, rage inducing useless alerts, I'm tempted to just take the month off.

    Game is total piss right now.

  14. Tito

  15. PoxLUFC

    Yeah paying for a membership is well worthwhile, so SOE when you eventually get your **** together do we get a refund? 5% exp bonus for gold that's meant to be 40%, it's flaming ridiculous that you lot really are this inept on such a regular basis.
  16. DizzyMoods

    Fix this please :(