Ninja buffed pistols?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Tnsr, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Tnsr

    Does anyone else feel they changed the hipfire precision of the pistols?
    I land as good as every shot with the NC Pistol. I even tried the TX1 Repeater and it was even more a beast than before, pretty much every bullet was a hit, I killed people faster than with a SMG, HAs went down like nothing. I even killed a MAX with only two full clips (dunno tho if he was already damaged, but as there were no allies in sight I guess he was full hp) and all this without laser sight o_O.
    I hate TR even more now that I can not have a TX1 Repeater as an NC Infiltrator.
    Or is this just a placebo?!
  2. Hosp

    Pistols have always been stupidly effective. After the rendering tweaks they've been doing to connery, I gained smoother play and so I would claim placebo effect if you're on Connery or the other server getting the tweaks. Otherwise, no idea. Maybe your new realization is just making you more used to them.
  3. Lucidius134

    Beamer feels the same, still a beast, always a beast.
  4. Astraka

    Placebo most likely. My Repeater feels just as trusty as it always has, but granted I am usually firing while ADS. Here's for hoping though, because I would love to drop the SMG and go pistol & knife.
  5. Tnsr

    Then try it out hip and tell me if you feel you land more shots than in the past.
  6. Ticee

    I wouldn't call it placebo if it's actually because he's having a smoother game after an update and thereby making it easier to aim, but it's not a buff to pistols as such, no :p
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  7. Liberty Cap

    Beamer's the same. <3 humiliation gun.
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  8. freeze

    wait, what?!
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    This. The beamer has never ever been good. Except for shooting Bouncing Betties and Claymores.
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  10. Liberty Cap

    It's great. For humiliating people. Getting beamed is worse than getting knifed. Now shhh! Or they might ruin it.
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  11. Mustarde

    So auraxium medal for the beamer is like the ultimate bragging rights huh? :) too bad I'm TR or else that would be a fun goal...
  12. Jests

    I feel the same way about my Rebel... only difference is people are always telling me how great it is :( I don't know how could a pistol can be if the default for another faction kicks it's *** up and down in a toe to toe fight.
  13. Lucidius134

    Uh, i don't mean statistically it's a beast. Anecdotally, i've killed 2 people with 1 magazine several times over. It's a great 'secondary' weapon. In a pinch, it can be used as a primary when your primary is out of ammo. I still like the NC pistol over the Beamer but the Beamer puts in WORK when you need it and provides results (for me anyways).
  14. freeze

    ya.... I wanna see pistols balanced, just likethey balanced the magrider...
    by looking at the K/D...

    then we buff the beamer out the wahzoo, buff the mag-shot as well
    and then we nerf the repeater at the same time + introduce a bug where it can only shoot single shot, and don't fix it for weeks.

    sounds fun, right?
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  15. Plague Rat

    What exactly is the problem with the beamer? I mean, given, I haven't spent a lot of time as VS but what experience I do have with it, I feel like other than the annoying sight it feels exactly like the TR's TX2 Emperor just without the TR magazine boost and maybe a slower projectile, but that's not something that matters much at the range you'd use a pistol. Doing the math it's TTK is better than the mag-shots. So what's the issue that makes so many VS hate the thing? Genuinely curious.
  16. Vikarius

    then your math is flawed, for the beamer to have a better TTK then the magshot, the user would have to be able to fire (and with zero server lag) at super-human speeds, but no matter what it still has far worse CoF then the magshot. The Manticore is a straight upgrade from the beamer, but I would still take the Magshot over both. Also it is not the same as the emperor. Id say the top 2 pistols are the mag-shot, and the emperor
  17. Tyzh

    The Beamer is pretty much the TX2 Emperor. The TX2 Emperor has slightly faster projectile speed, larger clip, slower fire rate, and larger CoF. The numbers are all pretty minimal, though, and using the Emperor feels a lot like using the Beamer. Switching to the Beamer makes me miss the extra 4 bullets, but eh. The differences aren't so big that the Beamer can be awful while the Emperor can be one of the best pistols in the game. Doesn't make sense.

    I think the complaint comes from the perception that math and TTK isn't as important in practice with semi-auto weapons as damage per bullet. When you are aiming each bullet and pulling the trigger it's pretty easy to tell the difference between 5 bullets to kill and 6. It's the same reason I prefer the semi-auto sniper to the semi-auto scout as strongly as I do.
  18. Plague Rat

    Good point, didn't take into account people's mouse clicks speeds, it is pretty up there for a semi-auto, but I think you might be underestimating how fast someone can click. Googled a click tester and gave it a go, (takes a sample of your clicks over 10 seconds multiplies it by 6) and didn't have much trouble hitting 470 clicks per minute without straining myself or changing my grip on the mouse, but I can see how that could be annoying and even uncomfortable for some people, even for just a 17 round mag.
    If you want to give it a go for fun:

    Yeah I hear you there. Definitely like my Impetus over my Shadow. Sway is a pleasure to deal with to be able to kill nano-weave users and normies with the same number of bullets. But I always felt VS had this really bad relationship with their secondaries, and have always just seemed a bit odd. Like one of my co-workers play VS and I suggested they try the manticore because it was just like the mag, and was promptly told to go to hell with a face like one who drinks overly bitter coffee with no further explination, and there seems to be a pretty similar sentiment elsewhere. I mostly use my pistol as a point-blank hip fire weapon, so I guess I just saw the beamer being more useful because of it's higher practical DPS.
  19. Vikarius

    Yea, I mean the beamer and TX2 might be similar on paper, but in practice they are FAR different (bugged maybe? or ninja changes?)
    Emperor in game, feels like a manticore, but much better hipfire CoF.
    My main was VS but I switched to TR after reaching BR 40, I use the emperor and LOVE it. On VS I used the beamer for a long time and the manticore for a long time, with and without silencers as well as laser sights. In pistol duels I would only ADS once and awhile, and after using the TX2 I am getting a ridiculous amount of headshots even when hipfiring, compared to what I did on my VS.

    I dont know, maybe the docs are just not a good representation of in practice. Just like if you went by the docs it would show that the VS damage degredation over range is minimal. Yet I always felt, even when using Vanu ARs/LMGs at their designed ranges, I was firing nerf bullets, inherently tickling my targets to death. Now after switching to TR, no matter the range I actually feel like I am firing, you know, lethal rounds.