Nice build SOE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Oil, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Oil

    Having played in beta, I must congratulate the devs on the release build... It's not perfect, but it runs very well, many bugs have been squashed and damn I look good in my VS Alpha armour ;)
  2. PharmD

    I have to agree save for a few instances where I fell through the map, ammo drops weren't working properly and medic guns weren't healing. These things were temporary though, went away after I died. But all in all, the build runs WAY smoother than beta ever did. I am impressed.
  3. Sparks

    Had one CTD withing 30 mins, experienced no other gamebreaking bugs so far I must admit I expected it'd be a lot worse. They did a good job on this build.
  4. MexelVanMexelen

    Have to agree with this. Engineer and Medic heals were the best I've seen. Not perfect, but getting there. Game ran very smoothly, no crashes. Although I did have a problem sometimes with enemies popping in at the last minute - the draw distance issue some others have mentioned.
  5. wolfva

    Yeah, I was expecting at least 1, maybe 2 catastrophic crashes throughout the day, but apparently they didn't have any actual server downages and CTDs, for the most part, weren't devastating to people. Not bad.