Next player to eject me from their liberator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Inzababa

    hahahahahaha :)
  2. fish998

    Can SOE just ban the people in this thread who have admitted to deliberately TKing people purely for fun.
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  3. MykeMichail

    I never get into any gunner seat unless invited to do so, or in extreme cases.

    Extreme cases include:

    A liberator landing to pick up its gunner starts taking fire and the intended gunner is killed just before he hops in - I'll take the gunner seat so the Liberator can fly away with some defense.

    A tank's secondary gunner is killed whilst repairing - if I can't revive the secondary gunner, I'll jump in and fill his role to he gets back.

    A friendly sunderer is being attacked by enemies - I will get on the guns and defend the sunderer.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    vehicles in flight should NEVER be able to drop players to their death in the first place. make it mandatory that they safely land first, then allow kicking players out of the vehicle via the vehicle menu
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  5. Aisar

    Then you have people like "BarnacleBob" on Matherson TR who spam /yell for a couple mins for lib gunners, finally get them, fly out of the WG and then eject the gunners for kicks, and instantly log out. I was mad for a second until I realized he had only wasted 20 seconds of my time and immediately wondered how pathetic this person must be. to play+people with the maturity of a 12 year old=major problems in this game.
  6. Weylin

    LOL who necroed this post? I posted this before the game even launched :D

    Now days I don't even bother getting in Galaxies or Liberators. The only time I even use a Liberator or hop in one is if it belongs to a friend with a mic, and I only use a Galaxy if I'm in a squad that needs one.
  7. Aisar

    lol lesson learned right here. I was bored though and didn't feel like doing anything else.
  8. Aedelric

    It has never happened to me, the thought of even doing it seems insane.

    I have a rule, you hit me by accident I brush it off, you shoot me on purpose or kill me, then I kill you.

    To those that drop allies to your death, do not be shocked to find yourself shot down by a friendly shortly after.
  9. Zer0range

    OP's attitude is fundamentally sound.
  10. Doublefrost

    I've been kicked/complained at by confused pilots when I get a bead on an approaching hostile interceptor that's making an attack run but hasn't fired yet. Galaxy side guns particularly, not a lot of time to open up on something with that limited arc. So the fire back after shot only rule does bite you sometimes. Especially if you have someone sit there, tongue in cheek, watching it angle up to rip you a new one just so they don't get kicked out mid-flight.
  11. Tenzin

    Luckily this hasn't happened to me but I don't bother gunning for Liberators or Galaxies anymore. If, for some reason, you see 2+ galaxies at the Warpgate chances are they're all locked. They even fly away less than half full.

    Sigh. Back in beta you could log in, jump in a Galaxy at WG and go straight to the action. (or your death)

    Can they ban you for making the worst post in this forum's history?

    I prefer to solo in my lib over having some random scrub take up my gunner positions and so when they sneak in I regularly fling them right back out when I notice (often 400 metres above the ground.) Is one death really such a big deal? KDR means nothing in this game afterall right?
  13. Weylin

    I loved it then, we always had like 3 galaxies having no problem filling up.

    In fact, it was my first experience with the game. I was new, I was clueless, and I saw these colored messages telling people to hop in the Galaxy, and so I did, got a gunner position, repelled a few fighters on the way, and we landed straight into the middle of a huge fight, and it was epic.
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  14. yogafire

    Being ejected is still better then having to walk all that way and you can just go to a near by base and grab flash
  15. DankFist

    An admittance of TK'ing just for laughs. Reported. People like you need to ******* grow up.
  16. helldiver

    I never jump in the gunner position unless invited and waiting on a timer or something.

    However, I will jump in on emergencies. The other night on connery, big zerg by TR. So I was out of my track and repairing a line of Vanguards. One of them takes a bunch of hits and I could tell the driver was a bad shot (member of a famous squad but I won't say the name), I could see he had enforcer so I tried jumping in whilst repairing him to finish off the prowler just over the bend.

    I couldn't, so the result? Not only did he get blown up, but an additional vanguard, and a sunderer got popped by the same smoking prowler.

    I stood there in the debris face palming.
  17. MiZrY

    Holy rusted necro Batman! How many pages back did you find this thread?

    Oh well..... carry on.

  18. Apples

    I find this funny because most players I pick up randomly with liberator bail out of the liberator mid air or just as I start to leave the warp gate. I don't know if they're pressing E by accident or are just deciding they don't want to gun after all. I know some are newbs and are like "Oh ****! I don't want to leave the ground." *eject* but it seems a lot have done it mid air.