
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KhalidIslam, Jun 2, 2013.

  1. KhalidIslam

    Hey everyone I'm about to be playing planetside 2 on a eastern US server may people tell me what to expect and what not I would like for some feedback. Thank You.
  2. xGreedFuSioN

    Play VS on Mattherson.
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  3. Littleman

    You are going to die. A lot.

    There is no such thing as pay to win. Some weapons are arguably upgrades (like certain bolt action sniper rifles versus other certain bolt action sniper rifles...) but most weapons are side grades.

    I'll let the forum handle the rest. Somewhere in there will be a "join an outfit." It won't make you an FPS god, but at least it should teach you the ropes faster than fumbling through it all on your own.
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  4. IamDH

    Play on Indar if you want HUGE battles
  5. Dramma Lamma

    Expect to die a lot while learning.

    Spend your first cert point on flack armor for your favorite class.
    This will save you from many random explosions giving you more time to determine how the situation could have been approached better.

    If you don't see many allies in your area move on, its hard enough to learn with help, nearly impossible if you are out manned.

    Make friends and ask questions, most players will gladly help you out, outfits are a good way to find help that's on all the time.

    Most importantly have fun and remember its a game. It has a steep learning curve so don't expect to be pro on day 1.
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  6. Zenatsuu

    Look for an outfit, or at least join public squads.

    this game is not lone wolf friendly, and you will find yourslef bored out of your damn mind if you try to.

    There is an outfit recruitment board here on these forms, you can also find them in the planetside universe website. or google. Teamwork is key, and you'll want a good head start on that. Also, a lot of the outfits are very noob friendly and have seasoned players to help you along your journey to learn and play this game. Many of those outfits (being large enough) also have 'training' and other orginized events within their outfit. So shop around, see what you like and give Imperial Reach a look as well. #shamelessplug

    but serisouly, join an open squad (P on your keyboard), you will have tons of more fun.
  7. KhalidIslam

    Thank you all for replying so quickly. I've played PS1 and I just wanted to see what everyone was talking about see you all soon possibly on teams or under the barrel of my gun either way :p
  8. Konfuzfanten

    a) you will die a lot, the PS2 learning curve is brutal. The time-to-kill(TTK) aka how fast you die is very very low/fast, its not uncommon to get killed in 2-3 sec from a random infantry guy. Most vehicles can one-hit-kill(OHK) you.
    b) stay in cover/indoors and ALWAYS MOVE. Only go out in the open if you are in a friendly zerg.
    c) memorize the base layouts, because of the low TTK situational awareness is paramount.
    d) specialize/cert into one or two classes at max and leave vehicles to later. Vehicles in PS2 are strong if used correctly, but you need to spend some certs and know the game well before you can be successful pilot/tanker.

    And the most important advice:
    Remember that PS2 is about killing the freedom loving hippies and brainwashed republican scum. Might through technology, bring the uninformed and unwashed masses into the light.
  9. Evileet

    I can not agree with this. I was a Lone Wolf since launch and on my NC and VS chars i still am, only on the TR i have an outfit with some nice guys i've met on the server.
    As a Lone Wolf you need a good situational awareness and a good overview on what's going on on the continent, but then you can enjoy it similar as you were in an outfit.
  10. -Synapse-

    Join an outfit, there are plenty out there. [ShamelessAdvertising] If you want speeches and mass drop pod deployments you can join TRAF on Waterson (TR). It's free! [/ShamelessAdvertising]

    Expect to die a lot at first, and choose your faction carefully. Make characters on all factions and play on each for about 30 minutes before you choose.
  11. Zenatsuu

    congratulations. You are the 1%

    I could also say "You're in an outfit, your post is invalid" but that's not really the case.
  12. The King

    do not play VS on Matterson or TR on Waterson...
    Unless you like to be bored doing nothing on an overpopulated faction..
    If you did pick those servers with that faction, I'd advise to switch immediately..
  13. Littleman

    Not to derail, but until being in an outfit automatically means professionally trained soldiers are behind the keyboard and are being an organized fighting unit that properly watches each others backs, checks corners, etc, etc, the difference between a pubby and an outfit member is the tag and whether or not they're making their own decisions on where they go. For all other intents and purposes, the 1% is the elite, whom could or could not be in an outfit, and the other 99% is cannon fodder.
  14. Zenatsuu

    What outfits have you joined? I've been in 2, and both utilize high organized play. Sure they might not be super-military-strict-hardcore-keyboard-warriors as I would like it to be. Yet its organized play.

    also, your 1% is encompassing a different category of players. Namely in the skill bracket.

    mine is those who are in outfits/fully lone wolfing. But it was more or less a worthless comment, as there is more then 1% of lone wolfers/outfit-less players.

    We can bring this into PM's, or into the off-topic forums. If you give enough ***** to continue bantering on a pointless comment.
  15. Bavieca

    I suggest finding an outfit or at least figure out what public squad you like to join. I suggest Mattherson, since it is the best server in the game. Create a character on each faction and figure out which one you like. Then find an outfit that plays like you do.
  16. LonelyTerran

    Always keep moving to avoid bolt action sniper rifles.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    You get an XP bonus for playing on the faction with less pop, so make your first character Vanu on waterson.
    Join a random open squad with an outfit tag in the name, play with them for an hour.
    Leave them, join another random open squad, play with them for an hour.

    Do this until you find a squad that operates in a way you like you play.

    Or do the lone wolf thing like me..
    Go to a base you want to fight at, join the squad that is there.
    Move to the next base you want to fight at, join which ever squad is there.

    This way you choice where your fighting, and you have a support team to back you up.
  18. KhalidIslam

    You guys have been most helpful thanks for the feed back everyone. I should be on in the next few day's I have a computer being built and it should it be done this week. Like I've said before I've played PS1 and from watching videos in PS2 you dont have to unload a whole clip to kill someone. You all were very helpful. I'm not looking for over population I like being the under dog so if anyone has any other suggestions I would like feed back on that also. Thank You
  19. xGreedFuSioN

  20. The King

    If you like to play the underdogs, I'd pick Vanu on Waterson.
    Or maybe the TR on Matterson...(but they're not really underdogs, just that, Vanu has way too many recently in the past month and half or so... prolly due to the NC that switched over)
    As for NC, I am not sure.. They do not have bad weapons or anything, just that, the outfits aren't that great?(that's what many say)
    But the real underdogs is the Vanu on Waterson and we could use some help. :D
    (though, on Matterson, you can often "troll" enemies with an infiltrator getting 8-15 kills before dying running around within their zerg. They just aren't aware of their surroundings like on Waterson):eek: