New vehicle prices will make playing under populated factions even harder

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShumaKun, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. ShumaKun

    Like in title. higher population = more teritory = more vechicles
    You guys need to make some serious revamp of resources not just make change and watch what will happen.
    This is obvious to me, first lattice now this... Only biggest zergs benefits from this changes
  2. Rhaeyn

    I think Higby already pointed out, that the bonus% you receive when underpopulated also applies to the ressource-gain, if I'm not mistaken. So unless you're warpgated, you might still have a chance to fight back.
    Guess it'll take a few weeks to see, how the new prices actually affect gameplay though.