[Suggestion] New Tactical Slot idea

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TRspy007, May 13, 2020.

  1. TRspy007

    Instead of giving everyone spitfires, why don't we add some tacticool elements?

    I was thinking a mini scu that you would place outside a building, and that building's doors/windows would turn into some sort of ghetto spawn room. Would work pretty nice to defend a router.

    Just so it's not abused, limit it to only one/two deployed per base, and allow GSD vehicles to pass through. That way, if people wanna charge through the shields with their GSD flashes, they can.

    Depending on how this works, allow people inside to shoot through shields, or not.
  2. Johannes Kaiser

    This would immediately be used in the following way: Router next to the capture point, Mini-SCU next to it, cap point safe, profit and laughs.
    Nice idea, but it has just about 100000% odds of being abused.
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  3. TRspy007

    They could put restrictions on which buildings could be used. Could even be a sort of pop requirement, something like when your team is below 40% in that hex, you're allowed to deploy it.

    It was mainly just a little idea to spice things up for people getting zerged (especially in some bases there's no teleporter) so they can have a few extra "safe" spawns, not intended for zerglings to use. But I do see what you mean.

    Would be safer to just redesign bases properly.
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  4. Johannes Kaiser

    That and making bases where the own faction is outnumbered by more than 20% have priority for spawns. It would not change people not going there because they don't want to get smashed without chances of retaliation, but it would give them the little hint of "hey, you are needed there, and it's faster, what do you think?".
    And MAYBE remove the stupid bug (?) that forces people to wait for 15 sec to respawn at the base they are already at (main spawn, not the "you changed spawn point, please wait" thing).
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