new smg

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by talmaru, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. talmaru

    no suprise its OP as ***
    10$ says its getting nerfed within 1 month
    Right after everybody has bought it and SOE notices its daily sales going down.

    Fool me once shame on you
    Fool me twice shame on me
    This is the 4th edition of SOE newgunbuyitnowsowecannerfitaweeklater

    I have an idea
    Instead of releasing new op guns
    How bout you guys work on the plethora of "wtf is my screen flashing for" or "wtf i clicked tawrich why am i at warpgate" or "i can stick my gun thru this wall and shoot" bugs
  2. Wasdie

    You seem like one of those guys who believes that if it kills you it's OP.
    • Up x 2
  3. Phyr

    Doesn't matter how "OP" you think it is, you'll still suck at the game.
    • Up x 3
  4. Edgar Allan Bro

    Same thing I was thinking.
  5. talmaru

    When it gets nerfed a week or 2 from now I'm gonna be lmao @ boath of you
    Because every "new gun" SOE has released since beta has followed this exact same pattern
    Last month it was rocket launchers then what happened? they got nerfed
    Before that it was battle rifles? what happened oh yea they got nerfed to
    But by all means spend 7$ on the gun it will be worth it for atleast a week maybe 2 if you are lucky
  6. Phyr

    People said the same thing about the last batch of SMG's. I prefer the old ones over the new ones. QQ more.
  7. Minsc

    Actually, the lock-on launchers got a serious buff, and are now being nerfed to deal with the over-buff that happened.

    Based on your theory, all the new AA guns for sunderers/tanks, engineer AV turret, the old SMGs are all overdue for a nerf due to their "OP"ness.

    The SMGs are great at a rooms distance away. Past that, carbines/lmg will win easily. Closer, shotguns will win. They occupy a rather interesting niche, in which the own! Which is how they should be.
  8. TheBlueMagician

    The new gun isn't OP. The only problem I see is that it's strictly an upgrade compared to the first SMG, but who cares? Both do their jobs well, the new one just has a bit better aim and a larger magazine.

    But better safe than sorry, I mean it has so much ammoz in the hipfier is so akurate wif dose upgraedz, so sounds OP as hell.
  9. ThundaHawkPS

    The new SMG has 125 bullet damage and insane damage degradation past 15m (even worse if you don't have soft point ammo). Past 25m their time to kill is insane, past 40m they struggle to kill infantry with their entire mag.
  10. NightmareP69

    Iv'e tried out the new VS SMG and imo it's not good at all, the first SMG is much better. It takes 10 shots or more to drop a single enemy with the new SMG, yes it has more ammo but since you need to fire more shots at people, enemy players will have more time to react and kill you.
    I find the first SMG to be much better and I'll most likely buy it once i hit 1000 certs again very soon.
    Sure it has less ammo but if you know how to aim and don't spray and pray, the weapon is very good.