New shotguns

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Wallonthefloor, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Wallonthefloor

    Lets discuss about them. I just trialed the new Deimos for Vanu, It is chrome instead of having scratches all over it. I did pretty good with a k/d of 7 until the timer ran ouut. Dont remember ever being that good with my Phobos pump action.
  2. PS2Freak

    New shotguns....

    are fun!

    [people with weak nerve-costums please leave this thread]
  3. Littledood

    I hate them, shotguns are ruining the game for me.
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  4. PS2Freak

    keep your head calm, and emotions under control. you yourself ruining the game for you. dont blame something else for it. its you.
  5. Satanam

    If it's 3+ hits on torso for a kill, then I'd be OK with it. Didn't have the chance to try it, still on my work.
  6. Turiel =RL=

    1-shot instagib weapons essentially end infantry close quarter combat. If we remember that vehicles get virtually insta-blown up by all sorts of rocket launchers and that planes receive lock-on messages 24/7, the outlook is bleak. Since people always gravitate towards the most overpowered weapons, this game will basically end up with guys with shotguns shooting guys with shotguns in the face.
  7. Littledood

    Yeah, you're right, it's my fault that I literally have no time to react when I get shot in the back with a pump shotty.
  8. Crewell

    I don't like pump actions. I swear over 50% of my deaths are to them. As stated above they leave no chance to react. At least with snipers there is a counter by moving frequently when in the potential line of fire to them. I've seen HA with adrenaline shields abuse the hell out of them too.
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  9. blzbug

    Getting tired of them myself. However, there is also a perception imbalance at work here. When you get killed by one, you get the pleasure of staring at the kill screen showing yet-another-NC/TR/VS with a PA. But when an LA with a carbine kills a PA user at 20m+ range, you only get a quick little blip showing you killed the HA/LA/Eng. You can't see what they were equipped with so you don't get to gloat that you whacked them while they stood helpless with their short range shotgun.
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  10. wazdar

    No, it's most likely not him. You need to have good framerate and good ping if you want to use pump shotgun. That's what makes it imbalanced, not skills.
  11. Aquilae

    the new pump-actions are a maximum dick move on sony's part. it basically went like this

    >hey, here's the 1st pump action shotgun, it's pretty great
    >forums: WAH WAH WAH NERF IT
    >sony: okay whiners, here's a blanket shotgun nerf
    >hey, here's the 2nd pump action.
    >it's like a slightly worse version of the original!

    so EVERYONE gets hosed across the board.

    people who bought the first one? lol, screw you, buy this 2nd one to get a slightly worse version!
    people who hated shotguns? lol, screw you, we 'fixed' the first one like you wanted, then brought it back again!

    they couldnt possibly have handled this any worse.

    you can't please everyone all of the time.
    but if you're sony, you sure as hell can piss off everyone all of the time
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  12. Wolfwood82

    No it's your fault for getting so pissy about it. Yes PA shotties can OHK you, big deal. However if you get pissed off at them, chances are you get pissed off at a lot more then just them. Everything that kills you quickly is likely going to tic you off. Stop singling out one thing at a time and just accept the fact that your going to die in a rather gritty game.

    Shotgun users love stationary targets that are busy doing things like firing RLs, repairing turrets/vehicles, and reviving soldiers. They are CQC snipers and why anyone can accept OHK sniper rifles yet cry about shotguns is beyond me.

    You're not everyone, please keep that in mind before making such statements.
  13. ih8Darian

    3+ hits on a torso would be ridiculous, the amount of time it takes to shoot a pump action 3 times is longer than shooting any other weapon long enough to kill somebody. Plus it's much harder to land a hit on a pump action.
  14. Wobberjockey

    2 words

    Situational awareness.

    if someone gets your back, you deserve to die. someone, somewhere screwed up, and it might have been you.

    3+hits... so you want a shotgun to do the same damage as the semiauto sniper rifles IF all the pellets hit?
  15. Aquilae

    what? maybe i didn't state my point clearly enough.

    what i'm saying is that it seems like people on both sides of liking/hating shotguns got screwed to some extent

    the people who like them now have to buy a new shotgun which is essentially the original, pre-nerf shotgun, but a little bit worse.

    the poeple who hate shotguns will now have to deal with this new shotgun, so the nerf they all wanted is mostly undone

    it just seems like the way sony decided to handle the issue isn't going to make anyone happy
  16. Wolfwood82

    I have to buy a new shotgun now? I don't see anyone holding a gun to my head and telling me to buy a new shotgun...

    And you over estimate the nerf considerably. It was a placebo, a small tweak to numbers to shut people up for awhile. It doesn't have a significant impact on game play, nor does it really stop people from dominating with shotguns (any shotgun).

    This new one is just a grab for money, it fires 1 more pellet and is a little slower. Probably better suited for shooting at close clusters of infantry at a modest range rather then a single target at a time. At least that's what I'd use it for. Might make a great HA weapon actually, for those cluster ***** around doorways and in towers.

    And we've known that a new shotgun was coming for a fairly long time now. Calling this a "dick move by SOE" isn't exactly fair. And you said they pissed everyone off, I'm far from pissed off, so clearly not everyone is pissed off. Probably just limited to angry monkeys ranting on forums because they have nothing better to do.
  17. Aquilae

    okay yeah, you don't literally HAVE to. what i mean is that if you want the same performance of the first shotgun, pre-nerf, the 2nd shotgun is basically it
    eh, i don't think i'm overestimating it. it's a significant change. the numerical difference seems small at first glance, but the effect is that you need to hit 8/10 pellets instead of 7/10 for a kill. that's a fairly large change.

    i agree with you here. they didn't RUIN the old pump action. they just hurt it.

    exactly my point as to why it's a dick move for the owners of the original pump actions

    here's where i disagree. the slight RoF decrease is mostly irrelevant. the strong point of the pump actions was/is the ability to OHKO. if you had time to make a second shot with the original shotgun, you'll almost always have the time to make the second shot with the new one. as i said before, it's just the 1st pre-nerf shotgun, but a little bit worse

    we knew another shotgun was coming, to be sure. but it seems pretty unfair that the new shotgun would basically be a slightly-toned-down version of the original shotgun.
  18. Badname3073

    I got Blackjack simply because it looks different (all other TR guns look identical, as everyone knows). Also realized that the game needs hookers.
  19. Wolfwood82

    1. For total damage output, sure. However shotguns aren't like other weapons, that total damage output is meaningless because the odds of scoring a full hit are astronomical if your further then kissing distance from your target. It still requires 8 pellets to kill the target and the new gun just gives you a slightly better chance of doing so (less then 8% difference in amount of pellets needed, forgot how to calculate how big a change that actually is).
    2. It's not that large at all. If increasing the pellet count by 1 doesn't change the odds significantly, increasing the required number of pellets has approximately the same affect. The % of pellets needed only increases by 10%, which sounds big but really isn't in the grand scheme of things.
    3. They didn't even hurt it. If they wanted to hurt it they would have increased the needed pellets to 9 or even 10 which is what I was expecting. That would limit it's OHK effectiveness to point blank shots which would be a significant (and likely more desirable) change.
    4. Fine, I assume you have a job. Accepting money for doing your job is officially a dick move on your part. This is a F2P game that is also F2B, meaning SOE has to have some sort of incentive for players to pay money. As Badname3073 said, the game needs it's hookers. God forbid a business tries to make some kind of income for their investments.
    5. Disagree all you want, I see a wider choke high volume weapon capable of nailing multiple targets in the right situation. This, to me, screams CQC cluster **** destroyer that's as effective as a cold hose for breaking up that sort of situation. While that 1 pellet is useless against a single target at point blank range, it does add to the potential for AoE effectiveness. Combined with an HA shield for extended survivability and this weapon might be very effective as a heavy CQC weapon. That is of course a theory.
    6. I actually predicted the weapon's stats almost perfectly. I suggested that the next weapon might be more geared towards exactly what I described in point 5, a higher volume weapon with a wider choke (though I specified a choke that favored a more horizontal spread rather then a normal one) that would be better suited for shooting multiple targets with an AoE effect.
    You can call it a "toned down version" all you want. Potential is what you make it, I simply choose to see more then you do.
  20. OmgWtfImba

    Remember that the new PAs have a spread of 3.5 vs the 3.0 for Uppercut/Claw/Phobos, so the extra pellet won't really increase the 1-shot kill range. It does make it more forgiving if your aim is slightly off at a guy in your face, however.