New Shotgun Crosshair

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ladiesop, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. ladiesop

    It probably my favourite crosshair at the moment. Showing the CoF with it is a lot more visible than the normal one, I wish I could put this on the automatic weapons as well.

    I've always preferred the dot in a circle since UT though.
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  2. Gisgo

    I hate it.
    But i hate dynamic crosshairs anyway... i know if im moving or jumping the cof is bigger, no need to tell me.
    Wish i could trade my shottie crosshair with your carbine crosshair and make both happy.
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  3. Being@RT

    Just keep in mind that it doesn't show the spread and it's great.

    If you think it shows spread, it's terrible (but then that's your fault).
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  4. Gisgo

    No crosshairs and no doritos for everyone would be soooooo good and suddenly make the game much more immersive and "skill based" without raising the TTK... too bad its just a dream.
  5. Kon

    i think its a tad buggy for pump actions tbh, but never had the same issue on the jackhammer
  6. ladiesop

    If you have a pump action with Slugs (that increase CoF), and run, the crosshair seems to expand to some kind of outer limit so keeps oscillating around there as it wasn't meant to go so big. The Jackhammer can't get slugs, so doesn't see this issue.
  7. S1eB

    I hate the new one, it's ridiculously big when you are running around and is quite distracting and annoying.
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  8. Bill Hicks

    Its horrible. Esp with slugs. Do the devs play video games. Any gamer would hate this.
  9. Being@RT

    Would you rather it show the wrong area your shotgun blast may end up centered on, then?

    You can be mad that shotguns have huge CoF while running around, but that's not the fault of the cross.. circle.
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  10. Ghosty11

    I hate it as well. I wish they would bring back the static circle. I find it harder to get on target while moving now as you have to track a little dot instead of the larger circle. The circle was easier to pick up over the back ground clutter over the dot, now with the circle so large it's basically useless for any kind of useful aiming while moving.
  11. Evilsooty

    Not a fan of it as it is a bit distracting when running about (does it really need to be that big?). There should be an option to remove/tone it down (along with other visual clutter).
  12. ladiesop

    Haha, looks like I'm the only one that likes it?

    When running, you can't shoot anyway so it can dissipate, but when in the air (like as a LA) it's a good reminder that the shot may not land where you want it to (but if they fill most of the big circle, might as well make the shot).

    The circle really only gets small when crouching, but how often do you do that with a Shotgun? (and the crosshair on the auto-weapons gets small as well). At least it's no Enforcer dot (which also gets lost in the Indar dunes).

    The oscillating when running is (I assume) a bug, so hopefully it'll go in a hotfix soon.
  13. GeneralSpecific

    The new dynamic sights also apply to the MCG.
    Pretty useful considering considering you can actually aim with it now.
  14. Loegi

    But the carbine crosshairs are also dynamic. And I think it's really useful to know exactly how much my CoF increases, because that's really quite hard to judge without visual queues.
  15. Gisgo

    Yeah but the carbine crosshair doesnt bother me, its not a HUGE, useless circle in the middle of my screen.
    If you didnt have a dynamic crosshair you would need to "learn" every gun's behaviour without any "hint" from the game, which would be a very good thing imho.
  16. Loegi

    Would be too random and obtuse and obscure in my opinion.
  17. Gisgo

    Did you ever play a single player FPS without a crosshair?
    Its frustrating for the first few hours, but once you get used to it, its ten times more satisfying and the weapons feels more real.
    Its obviously not possible in multiplayer (you could cheat with a pencil) but a small non dynamic crosshair would be nice... at least as an option.
  18. FischiPiSti

    I hate it too. The constant change is terrible after awhile, headache inducing infact. Its not accurate either. The thing is its not needed, the pellets cant be predicted anyway.
    But to be fair, how about different crosshair setup options?
    I remember the old days when not only could you change crosshairs, for each weapon nontheless, but also use custom self made ones.
  19. Ravenorth

    New crosshair is just to tell the new generation gamers that the pellets might not go straight where you shoot when jumping/moving/flying. The old shotgun crosshair didnt show that, so it was maybe a bit too confusing for them.