New rocket launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Newlife1025, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. Newlife1025

    So I've been hearing good things about the masumane. I have the crow, hawk and default shrike and im wondering if its a better alternative. I just wanted player input on it so i could know whether or not to save up for it (im at 200 certs). Although from some videos ive seen, it looks like something people are gonna cry for a nerf.
    If im not getting the masumane, im getting the desperado
  2. LaughingDead

    Bestperado is a fun weapon indeed, being able to burst down heavies in a quick two shot or 3 trigger bodyshot.

    However, masamune gives a special damage resistance value that deals incredibly large amounts of damage to galaxies, (Lore being that masamune was known as the best sword maker in all of...japan I believe? Made a sword that cuts through everything? (I don't remember the entire myth but it was along those lines)) masamune providing this specialized damage type makes it great against gals that have overstayed their welcome, being more damaging than a dalton in some cases. Beyond that, it's one of the best anti-infantry launchers being able to guide rockets to target and only requiring 2 hits at least (3 on flak), makes it a fun fat light assault weapon if you know how to climb and have an engie buddy.
    • Up x 1
  3. Ziggurat8

    I've been using it quite a bit lately.

    It's too good. Expect a nerf.

    That said it is a ton of fun. The dumbfire shotgun blast of rockets and the damage don't require much to kill. I took out a MAX (obviously hurt) and his engineer with a single blast, the spread and the damage pretty much guarantee a 1hk on infantry within 15m or so. The guided rocket mode makes it more accurate than any other rocket except lock ons while dealing similar damage and having 0.5s faster reload than the standard RL and 1.0s faster reload than the decimator. It's only real down side is its ammo pool. It takes 16 rockets to kill an MBT from the rear which is all the rockets you have.

    It's the best RL available right now. Close range high damage output coupled with long range wire guided accuracy, the only thing I'd use over it is a lock on if I need to chase off an ESF.

    As I said, expect a nerf.
  4. Corezer

    Deci is better most of the time, but it's pretty good.
  5. Liewec123

    imho its the best current RL for closer engagementsand indoor fights, if all rockets hit it deals more damage than decimator, plus it reloads faster, and it also has a unique resistance type when used against libs and galaxies so it deals way more damage than any other infantry weapon to them ;)
  6. Necron

    Nice to see another toy for HA.. I just stand over here waiting for something cool for one of the other classes (and by cool I don't mean another gun that has the same damage profile as 3 other guns).
  7. T.A.94

    I actually wonder not seeing any battle-flasches carrying an heavy using it
    from the rear of a prowler (while hipfired) it can deal about half the life of it I recognized:confused:

    Watch out out there your MBT Cowboys:p