[Guide] New players - Short Important Read

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PlanetBound, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. PlanetBound

    There's a few easy things you can do to improve your gaming experience.

    A deployed stealth Sunderer is a somewhat not so visible spawn platform. Firing weapons near the Sunderer and parking your vehicle of Mass Destruction next to it are guaranteed discovery.

    I suggest you bring a stealth Sunderer to a battle. This will reinforce today's lesson.
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  2. Eternaloptimist

    I guess you mean that stealth is good if you just want your Sundy to be a spawn point and maybe not have to defend it? Stealth is not much use on a battlebus or an AA platform.

    Personally, I find it a bit too easy to find stealth sundies sometimes as I just back trace where all the enemy players are sprouting from........

    But I know what you mean - people who jump into a stealthed sundy and start popping off at everything or nothing or start attracting fire by hanging around it are <expletive deleted>
  3. ObiVanuKenobi

    Stealth sunderers are pretty easy to find even in small fights because you can see the direction enemies are coming from and getting all those stealth upgrades for that last rank costs 2330 certs total. New players should invest their certs elsewhere first imo, sundy cloak is more of a niche thing. Deployment shield is more useful for general use imo and waaay cheaper.
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  4. Kreantris

    Spending 50 certs to get rank 1 Deployment shield for the Sunderer is the best 50 certs spent in the entire game. I try to tell this to every new player, but no most of them spend all their certs on new rifles because "They thought the starter weapons are weak and you should upgrade them right away."
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  5. MuggieWara

    I have used both stealth and deploy-shield sundys ALOT and i can with 100% certainty state,that deployment shield is INARGUABLY better in 90% of scenarios!

    If you re C4ing sundies as a light assault you ll be aware of this.So no,wrong suggestion.
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  6. AuraBliss

    wait you are asking new players to forgo much needed gear upgrades for stealth upgrade for sundy that costs 2330 certs right ?
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