New players, before you choose a faction choose a dificulty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by eduarddato12, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. RobotNinja

    Lol...that's a good one. Now, pull the other!

    Strikers have been neutered for a while now. They definitely don't "deny the NC\VS from fielding armor\air in any large battles." I'm not sure what game you're playing where the NC and VS don't pull armor/air zergs just like the TR but it ain't Planetside 2.
  2. Epic High Five

    No faction with the Razor, the (newly revamped) GD-22S, the Gauss Rifle/Carnage AR, the SAW, the X11, the Reaper, and course the VANGUARD gets to complain about things being hard.

    NC guns may be a bit more tricky, but the VS guns are a bit more terrible and boring, and the NC guns aren't nearly as tricky as the VS weapons are dumb and horrible to use.

    If you aren't doing well, adapt. Find a class and a gun you like. I learned the ropes of this game as an LA with a 7F, which is a terrible idea and earned me a 0.3 kdr from december - februrary :(

    Join and outfit. Ask questions. Ask LOTS of questions and then adapt adapt adapt. Try to learn something from every death. Strafe, stop, ADS, burst fire, strafe. Never get involved in a fair, evenly matched 1v1 if you can possibly jump through a window and murder your target without taking a scratch of damage.
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  3. Octoknight

    :( Vs is not so impressive anymore. Nothing special. NOTHING. :(
  4. whiteshadow2000

    I don't know which server you play on but I've seen enough large fights where the VS armor\air gets wiped out by the combination of weapons I mentioned.

    Even the weaker striker gives the mossies\libs a shield to fly in and hide behind if the going gets tough. The striker locks help counter tanks and air in combination with the vulcan just wiping out anything it can get close to while getting proper air support.

    Large fights between the VS and NC are pretty even.

    They're not vs the TR.

    You don't see the way the TR op'd weapons work as a force multiplier in combination in any large fight but loads of VS players do, despite what you might think.
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  5. RobotNinja

    Guys...c'mon...let's all be honest.

    Pretty much no new player is going to actually look at the forums or read anything before they start playing PS2. They're gonna start playing, have no idea what they're supposed to do and then come to the forums to complain that whatever faction with whatever weapon/vehicle/thing killed them is OP and needs to be nerfhammered.

    So that said, assigning cute difficulty levels to factions is meaningless.
  6. that_darn_lurker

    Agreed. NC is hard mode. They have the added handicap of having their own faction TKing them all the time.
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  7. Akeita

    I'm playing Vanu because of Papa Vanu voice ? Is there anything wrong if you choose 'easy mode' ?.... When it come to choosing faction as a new player, I would always choose VS ( altho i'm a NC player )

    Lore is too simple compare to the full version, it made Vanu look extremly good, also Vanu uniform is just better than the other 2...
  8. Ghosty11

    The abundance of spray and pray TR weapons says otherwise. :p
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  9. Paperlamp

    Honestly, it does seem like this happens more on my NC... :/
  10. deggy

    Maybe because it takes fewer bullets to accidentally TK someone with a high-damage weapon?

    Just a thought, don't know. But it'd probably be easier to TK with a Gauss SAW than with something that does 100 damage.
  11. Devrailis

    The more things change, the more things stay the same.
  12. Ghosty11

    Yeah it seems like that to me as well. The other day playing NC I run in a room kill a Vanu ZOE MAX, then get TKed by an LA with C4 10 seconds later. Spawn, run out toward the fighting see two dead players, rez them both, the second rezzes and begins shooting me. I was a bit frustrated at that point and turned and killed him.
  13. Paperlamp

    Could be the case, a few NC bullets and they stop firing from the friendly fire damage is more damage than a few TR bullets. Well, if they're using NCs higher damage guns.
  14. MallowChunkage

    You know troll threads are against the rules right? They're honestly all fairly similar in difficulty, the gap was closed massively after this most recent patch too, what with the ZOE and slug nerf.

    OP's picture is BS.
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  15. Aerindis

    It was cute and funny during beta, but anyone with two brain cells and can read a graph knows NC will be the flavor of the month faction once the servers are back up.
  16. Devrailis

    Here is a man who loves FREEDOM, and LIBERTY, and BONUS CHEQUES.

    Listen to this man.
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  17. BigBooty

    You've obviously never been in a TR tank column.
  18. BigBooty

    If by spray and pray, you mean hit-nothing-and-spend-half-an-hour-reloading then yes. You are correct.
  19. deggy

    You spelled that there word wrong, mister.

    "Cheques" ain't the LIBERTY way o' sayin that. Too fancy-like.
  20. Amrok1

    More people need to realize posts which violate the forum's rules and actually report them. It isn't just a lack of moderation that these forums turned into such a pile of crap, it's the forum users lack of self-enforcement and appreciation of constructive conversation/debates which allows threads which obviously start out as idiotic continue on a downward spiral and drag the majority of the forums down with it.