New player, seriously fustrated

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CarmelChocolate, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. ViXeN

    I think PS2 may have ruined regular FPS games for me. :eek: I played a little TF2 last week myself and was bored faster than usual. I have a hunch the same thing will happen with BF4.
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  2. Dreez

    Just don't roll NC, because they're ******* ******** as **** when it comes down to tactics and can't get anything done.
    This last week, i've killed more NC then TR or VS in punishment for their pure incompetence and stupidity. NC brings a whole
    new definition on ********. You can see a whole division of NC-tanks get destroyed by either Mosq's or Scythe's, and you know
    how NC deals with that.... they send more tanks instead of spawning Anti-air and DEALING WITH THE PROBLEM.

    When i jump into my Reaver and start nuking VS or TR positions, i get shot down instantly. But when VS or TR start nuking
    NC from orbit, nothing happens except for a ton of dead, idiot NC that didn't know what hit'em... *******.

    A few weeks ago, NC was pushing through a canyon, so TR rounded up a ton of heavy infantry and engineers on AV-turrets
    on each side of NC's tanks, and started ripping them up... and NOTHING was being done from NC, those idiots just kept
    bringing more and more tanks.. So after 45 minutes of watching those idiots getting farmed and no one doing a damn thing
    about it.. i spawned my sniper and 5 minutes later, i couldn't see one TR infantry poking their heads above those ridges
    because i would put a hole in it...

    This is why i HATE NC, becuase they seem to lack the ability to see what needs to be done, AND DO IT..

    So if you're new to Planetside 2,, DO NOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ROLL IDIOT NC.
  3. EmmettLBrown

    So don't play NC because you will be an idiot, or because other factions will hate you? I don't mind the former. It would make the alert wins more rewarding.
  4. Dreez

    I refuse to change faction just because some idiots on my faction decides to play with their heads up their ****.
    And when i see a MAX calling for help, and an engineer stands by his turret right next to me, i'm killing that engineer
    right on the spot because he didn't do what he was PRIMARELY suppose to be doing, namely, supporting.

    If i see a Medic run past some dead troopers or a MAX and not even attempting to res, i will shot him as well for
    not doing his job.
  5. Pikachu

    Jump into the 2nd seat of a tank so you get to shoot some stuff.
  6. Crashsplash

  7. Dreez

    Ya Rly. Yesterday i spawned my Scatter-MAX and cleaned a location-room full of enemy infantry, then i died when walking
    over a mine. During spawnscreen i saw 4 Medics all running past my dead MAX through the room just a few seconds
    after death.. So i spawned my sniper and killed'em.. Then i PMd them and simply told them, "Next time do your job".
  8. tproter

    That's where you're mistaken. PS2 is NOT a FPS game. It's a pay-to-win MMO game with guns in it.

    If you want to win, then pay.
  9. theone

  10. TheAntiFish

    Sorry, please tell me. Exactly what i can pay for with money that will give me an advantage over others?
  11. tproter

    I feel your pain. But what do you expect from gamers who are playing a game that costs NOTHING to play?
  12. Accuser

    There are thousands of things you will learn that will make you live longer in Planetside.
    1. If you're stuck inside a spawn room, either shoot rockets at the people camping (without leaving it) or hit your 'Delete' key to redeploy to a new base.
    2. MAXes are far more powerful than a normal infantry soldier... if you want to get kills quickly, save up to buy an anti-infantry weapon to replace your default AV weapon (so you have an anti-infantry weapon for each arm) and spawn it frequently, especially in bio labs.
    3a. Infiltrators of each faction have a different cloak sound. Learning which one is which will save your life.
    3b. Each faction has different voice callouts when they spot an enemy player. "Enemy medic spotted!" sounds different if it's a VS saying it or a TR saying it... again, knowing the difference saves your life.
    3c. Each faction's ESF (plane) has a different engine noise AND nose gun noise. Knowing the difference blah blah...
    4. Join a squad, deploy on squad leader, or deploy on a squad beacon. You can land on a roof or catwalk that will put you behind the enemy, giving you easy kills.
    5. Watch Zoidbergenstein's solo pub tutorials... they're GREAT at getting new people into the flow of Planetside.
  13. OldMaster80

    Forget those. This is a game you can learn in less than 1 hour but it takes a lot to be mastered. A LOT. And you need to join a good outfit to get the best out of the game because coordination gives a huge tactical advantage. You can also play as lonewolf or joining random teams but believe me it's not the same.
    Try different classes, try different weapons and find your style, try to be smart and look for some tutorials. This is not the classic FPS where you start a match, capture the flag, get some kills then restart from the beginning, it requires some dedication in order to become skilled because you must achieve a very good combat awareness.
    And forget K/D ratio that means nothing. In the end you win when your enemies leave and must retreat because you pwned em all, not when you get the highest score.
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  14. KnightCole

    Mattherson VS pretty much are the dominate faction there atm, GOTR, GOKU, NTMR.....those clans pretty much win everything. Find them and follow them around.

    Otherwise, Mattherson is a nightmare. NC players all ride the shortbus to battle and the TR, there are a few guys who cause trouble but mostly its the VS winning Mattherson.
  15. Crashsplash

    Well, I hope you get what you give.
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  16. Zorro

    The most important thing to do is stay with a group. As a low-ranked player it is the best idea to follow others into battle and provide support. Make sure to use cover and stealth. Move quickly and erratically. Getting upgrades for your default gun (depending on your class) is more important than getting a new gun (though select-fire weapons are terrific for longer range and have more utility). Unless you plan to specialize in vehicle combat it is advisable to avoid it until Harassers are fixed.
  17. CDN_Wolvie

    You do realize you're exasperating the issues, not helping right? And that a lot of the behavior you are observing is encouraged in the design of the NC weapons and vehicles?

    In the end, you're like a case study for what is fundamentally wrong with the NC in how its frustrating design leads to situations like you thinking is perfectly fine to TK others, which only begets a nasty downward spiral of infighting where those other players are even less likely to want to help your character out EVER, who at the time of your demise were probably fighting the same enemy you were trying to get close enough to when using your Scatter MAX and even had those Medics tried to res ya, if they didn't get blasted before getting you up, it was highly likely you would have gotten put right back down again since most Engineers in pitched CQB are dead meat since they need a secured, covered area to do their best repair work.

    Your refusal to change faction or uninstall the game is just pig headed stubbornness that I am sure all the other faction's players are thankful for the easier certs than if they have to fight the VS or TR.
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  18. soeguud

    Nasty habit of drawing assumptions and extrapolating statements and conclusions. An endemic issue that's more likely than not arisen from overexposure to game forums.

    That or it was a poor attempt at correlating your statement with that of the one you'd quoted, and mashing something together that attempted to be inciteful/useful. Without promoting one's own work. Make of it what you will.
  19. Old Rasputin

    This here, ladies and gentlemen, is the problem... at least on Mattherson. I won't speak for the other servers.
  20. Waffle Fartsparkle

    I just started playing this game too. NC on Mattherson. The reason I'm frustrated isn't because of whatever the hell my k/d is since doing quite a bit of things will earn you score beyond it.

    My frustration is over just how dead this game is. I joined for the massive scale battles. I got maybe 2v3 at some outpost after using the instant action button.

    The hell happened to this game?