New Player 1500 Certs Spending Guide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ryoken, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Ryoken

    I know there are guides on youtube for this, but I thought I'd ask the vets here for more opinions.

    Currently helping a friend through Koltyr (calling targets she hasn't seen, pocket medic/engi and killing the obvious farmers and/or hackers) and need some advice on where I suggest she spends her certs. It's not terribly important before BR15 because of the refund at the end, but once she gets there I'd like to be able to give an informed opinion on what's best.

    So, would it be best to tell her to max out the Medic or spread the certs out roughly evenly so she can enjoy all the playstyles as needed?

    I personally went with Medic when I started over because I know a little about the game and don't mind playing support. But she prefers shooting people in the face since it's an FPS game not a FPR (first person revive).
  2. Rimaxan

    Wait, how is this a guide?
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  3. Iridar51

    I always was inclined to dismiss the popular opinion of "play support at the beginning". There's no "x certs" you must farm by playing support before you can start pummeling in faces, especially now with "free" 1500 certs at the start. And playing a "revive everyone" zombie-style medic doesn't teach you anything except maybe how sunderer looks like.

    So good for her.

    There's a lot of things that are good to cert into eventually, since they increase the amount of threats a player you can remove by himself if need arises. For example, engi with tank mines and utility pouch can solo any popular sunderer loadout, but that's what, 2000 certs investment? Not in a hurry.

    A G2A lock on launcher can be useful, but honestly it's not a superstar anti air weapon on its own anyway.

    I would really advise to just focus on one class, and rank up ability and suit slot, and slap on a few basic attachments on primary / secondary. Obviously don't buy infantry weapons, starter options are more than competitive.
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  4. Jakko

    If she has the most fun gunfighting then she would probably most suited to the Light or Heavy Assault class. If she chooses the Heavy I would reccomend certing out two main kits. One CQB with extended mag shotgun+concussion grenade and the other Forward grip+2power sight on your factions starting LMG. With leftover certs get a two extra medical kits to prolong your life on the battlefield. Nanite mesh generator is probably the best and most economical choice until she makes the very personal choice of shield type. Last but not least is flak armor. I think this is the best overall choice in the beginning because it is useful in almost every situation as there are few battles that don't include explosive spam. People who play light assault more often could probably give you better insight on that class. Hope this helps and look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
  5. orangejedi829

    Which faction? If NC, the formula for immediate face-pummeling is:
    Gauss SAW (free) + red-dot 1x scope (5 certs) + adv. forward grip(200 certs) + compensator (100 certs) + 2 medkits (150 certs) + HA nanoweave 4 (211 certs)
    = a GODSAW-wielding tankmachine of death for a mere (fitting) 666 certs.
  6. Moridin6

    LA and ENGI combo for most players id say
    then diversify based on what seems like a good time
  7. Iridar51

    For LA, there's my LA guide, including cert unlock order here.

    Mostly agreed on HA, though I'm not sure I can recommend investing in NMG upgrades. All combined, they reduce recharge time from 60 seconds to 45 seconds. Can't really call it a worthwhile investment of certs, though first few ranks are very cheap. Same for conc grenades. After nerfs they're very rarely used and probably not something a new player should focus on.
  8. Inex

    I'd go for one of the playstyle defining upgrades.

    LA: Dual C4
    MAX: Getting your second arm(s)
    HA: AV Grenades and G2A Lockon
    Engi: AT Mines and AV turret
    Infil: SMG or short range bolt action.
    Medic: Res grenades
  9. Towie

    A female - CHECK
    Plays Planetside - CHECK
    Likes Guns - CHECK

    What's not to like ! Arranging my divorce papers already...

    (Shame there are so few female Planetside players. And no i'm not counting those who roll as a female but speak like Barry White !)
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  10. AxiomInsanity87

    Put it towards getting the no helmet......helmet

    it's 5k certs.

  11. Eternaloptimist

    I'm not a vet but I'm reasonably experienced. Here's what I've learned. Engineers accumulate massive amounts of certs very quickly. They are also a lot more versatile than other classes, with explosives, carbines, turrets, repairing and resupplying. I have more fun with engineer than with medic because of this (though I'm starting to like commando medic play - mostly for the assault rifle). And I earn much more than with HA or LA (though I like running both of them from time to time).

    My thoughts are: go with an engineer and you will soon have the certs to be anything else you want to be. Max out the ammo packs first (for me at least, they are the biggest earner). Then your nano repair tool and then your armour to at least level 4 (flak for running around under long range bombardment or grenade spam or nano for when you are up in the front line repairing Maxes etc. and therefore close enough to be engaged by infantry). Plus, being an engineer is ace if you want to run a vehicle, as you can hop out and repoair it yourself.

    The AV Mana Turret is a great tool and worth certing for faster cool down after doing the other stuff - it's basically a high damage rocket launcher (like Decimator) that you can guide to your target. It gibs infantry (which is cheesy but.....meh) as well as vehicles and I've taken out a few esf as well, especially when they are hovering or doing a straight strafing run towards me. But beware......the Turrets make you a sitting duck for snipers so use cautiously!

    Then go with whatever else you like doing as per the advice given by others using all those certs you are accumulating.

    I've also found I get many more implant and charger drops as an engineer than when I play other classes. Regen level 1 is the only one I use..........a free and renewable restoration kit if you make new chargers for it now and again.
  12. JustBoo

    +1 for the Barry White reference. Let the kiddies figure it out. :)

    Oh and women playing PS2 is still a myth. Just as there is no credible evidence of Bigfoot (those videos are laughable), there are only old myths and legends of the female species playing PS2.

    * The long gone blue haired support lady doesn't count, she was paid to play.
  13. MajorMalfunction

    Agree NG first unless she doesn't like support.. I personally love it and rarely play anything else unless conditions demand it.. Can she shoot.. ? If you're old like me.. can't see and reflexes are... uhm.. I used to remember what they were.. support is great.. sounds arrogant but it sometimes feels like as a medic I have turned the tide of a battle.. rez grenades rez grenades rez grenades.. the point is FUN !!! Forget everything else.. get bored.. try something different.. change your style.. change *gulp* factions !!
    IT"S A GAME.. ENJOY IT !!!